When Will My CFA Results Be Released?
Although the CFA Institute announces most of the relevant dates on the CFA Program calendar right at the start, a pretty significant date is usually missing until the last minute…
CFA Scholarships: How to Successfully Get Them
Aside from the time commitment, there is a considerable cost to pursuing the CFA charter, especially for students. Level 1 enrollment and registration fees alone can be as high as $1,600,…
CFA Careers: What Are Typical Job Opportunities for CFA Charterholders?
Did you know that 45% of CFA candidates pursue the charter for career-related reasons? But what are the typical Chartered Financial Analysts’ (CFA) careers? What can you do with a…
CFA Salary: How Much Does A CFA Charter Increase Your Pay By?
Will your salary increase as you go through the CFA Program?​Yes, it does. In fact, you don’t even have to wait until you become a CFA charterholder. Proper, reliable CFA…
How to Convince Your Firm To Pay For Your CFA Exam
I was feeling really poor back when I was attempting CFA Level 2. I had just been let go in my finance role and I wanted to switch careers into…
Why Pursuing CFA After MBA Is A Better Idea
I recently graduated with my Masters in Business Administration. Finance classes were by and far my favorite, and after gaining work experience as an intern in investor relations, I flirted…
CFA Exemptions: A Big Perk You Should Know
We’ve gone through the direct advantages of pursuing the CFA charter. Although there are currently no exemptions on the CFA exams itself, are you aware that the CFA Program could…
CFA Flashcards: 7 Simple Tips to Create An Effective One
Have you considered making your own CFA flashcards for your studies? Sometimes you find them ridiculously useful, and sometimes you may find them a bit ineffective – why is that?…
CFA Level 1: How to Prepare & Pass CFA in 18 Months
How does one obtain the CFA charter as quickly as possible? Assuming consecutive passes (big assumption), the average time to pass all 3 exams in 12-18 months. While the fastest route…
CFA Level 3: How to Prepare & Pass CFA in 18 Months
I made a rookie mistake in my Level 3 exam years ago, with 3 whole constructed-response questions left to do in 15 minutes. However, what I did next thankfully contributed…
CFA Level 2: How To Prepare & Pass CFA In 18 Months
CFA Level 2 is often cited as the most difficult CFA level to handle, although the debate rages on. I somehow managed to pass Level 2 exam years go whilst…
Should You Consider CFA In College?
Can you take CFA Level 1 in college? Yes, according to CFA Level 1’s entry requirements, the earliest candidates can register for CFA Level 1 is when they have 2…
CFA Level 1 Eligibility: Undergrads Can Now Start A Year Earlier
Just in case you’re not aware: back in Nov 2022, CFA Institute had expanded the CFA Level 1 eligibility for the program. This means that students with two years remaining…
CFA Entry Requirements: A Detailed Overview
There are currently more than 190,000 individuals CFA charterholders globally, and this number is only expected to increase. The first step of becoming a CFA charterholder is to register for…
Third Party CFA Prep Books: Do You Need Them? Is CFA Curriculum Enough?
The CFA program can feel costly at times, and a fair question we get all the time is whether third party CFA prep books are necessary. Isn’t the CFA curriculum…
CFA Exams: 20 Things I Wish I Knew Beforehand
Umpteen years ago, after checking that I met the eligibility requirements, I signed up for my CFA Level 1 exams as a sprightly, wide-eyed innocent. Now that I’m a CFA…
Why Is The CFA Pass Rate So Low & the MPS So High?
Since COVID, the CFA pass rate has taken a plunge. Our CFA minimum passing score (MPS) estimates have also indicated an uptick in the MPS. Naturally, candidates are not sure…
CFA vs CAIA: Which Is Superior? Or Do Both?
CFA and CAIA designations can appear very similar at first sight, especially since the introduction of the CFA Level 3 Specialized Pathways, as they both target investment and financial professionals….
CFA vs MBA: Which Is Better for Your Career?
If you currently or aspire to work in finance, and have evaluated if MBA is worth it to you, a natural follow up comparison question could be: CFA vs MBA which…
CFA Last Week Prep: 10 To-Dos Before Exam Day
The week before CFA Level 1 must feel pretty daunting, as it still feels the same for most Level 2 and 3 candidates too. Back then, I still remember feeling…
CFA Last Minute Preparation: How to Cram Efficiently
Feeling like you’re running out of time? OK, calm down and take a few deep breaths. For whatever reason, perhaps you’ve now find yourself way behind schedule with a few more…