When Will My CFA Results Be Released?

Although the CFA Institute announces most of the relevant dates on the CFA Program calendar right at the start, a pretty significant date is usually missing until the last minute – the CFA results date.

So just like previous years, we’ve predicted the CFA exam results dates for you in advance.

That said, the past year isn’t a normal year by any means, here’s our best estimate nevertheless.

When will my CFA results be released?

The predicted cfa exam result dates

Knowing the CFA results date might be able to help candidates relax more post-exam, as you don’t have to bring your mind back to the CFA results day as often.

For computer-based (CBT) exams, CFA Institute’s currently provides a results announcement guidance of 5-8 weeks after an exam window closes, depending on level.

Thus, we have used recent CBT historical patterns and exam cycles in our predictions. So here are the latest CFA results dates for upcoming exams.

  • Aug 2024 results announcement (verified by CFA Institute):
    • CFA Level 1: 8 October 2024
    • CFA Level 2: 10 October 2024
    • CFA Level 3: 17 October 2024

How we predict the CFA exam results dates

CFA exam results date prediction methodology

The table below shows the past dates of CFA exam days and subsequently announced results days.

We’ve also added in our latest predicted exam results dates. (Tip: You can view all these dates and future upcoming dates by syncing to our CFA exam calendar.)

Previous CFA exam dates and corresponding results dates

CFA exam day / windowCFA Level 1 Results DayCFA Level 2 Results DayCFA Level 3 Results Day
May 202426 Jun 2024
2 Jul 2024
Feb 20244 Apr 2024
11 Apr 2024
Nov 202310 Jan 2024
17 Jan 2024
Aug 20233 Oct 2023
5 Oct 2023
25 Oct 2023
May 202327 Jun 2023 (Tuesday)6 Jul 2023 (Thursday)
Feb 202328 Mar 2023
13 April 2023
Nov 202212 Jan 2023
19 Jan 2023
Aug 20224 Oct 2022
11 Oct 2022
1 Nov 2022
May 20227 July 2022
28 July 2022
Feb 202212 April 2022
19 April 2022
Nov 202111 Jan 2022 (Tuesday)19 Jan 2022 (Wednesday)3 Feb 2022 (Thursday)
Aug 202114 Oct 2021 (Thursday)21 Oct 2021 (Thursday)2 Nov 2021 (Tuesday)
Jul 202114 Sep 2021 (Tuesday)
May 202127 Jul 2021 (Tuesday)3 Aug 2021 (Tuesday)10 Aug 2021 (Tuesday)
Apr 20218 Jun 2021 (Tuesday)
Feb 202113 Apr 2021 (Tuesday)

* are estimated CFA results dates.

Predicting based on a consistent results day pattern

After the first few exam windows of computer-based exams, we are starting to see some pattern in results announcement.

However, there still isn’t a consistent day of announcement since then, with Tuesdays and Thursdays being the most popular days of the week for CFA results announcements.

Based on these, we have predicted the 2024 CFA exam results day with the following assumptions:

– Results are typically announced on Tuesdays or Thursdays
– CFA Level 1 and Level 2 results are usually circa 5-7 weeks after last exam day of an exam window.
– Level 3 results are circa 7-8 weeks after last exam day of an exam window
– Recent historical trends has a greater weight in our estimates and seasonality is taken into account.

Hopefully as computer-based exams become a norm, we should have more data to be able to understand if there’s a reliable new pattern for CBT results announcement.

Stay updated with our CFA exam calendar

Of course, this is just our prediction based on past years’ observations, so please don’t hold us to it!

The CFA Exam Calendar will continually be updated with the latest dates, so if you want to stay updated, just sync up with the CFA Exam Calendar here or with the buttons below:

Got your CFA exam results? Here’s how to get the most out of it


CFA Institute does not release exact exam scores, but rather a performance chart by topic area, an MPS line (minimum passing score, which is not released but we have a good estimate of) and the overall exam pass rates for the whole cohort.

Don’t worry, we’ve written a guide with everything you need to fully understand your results charts

Using results samples and step-by-step explanations, we show you how to see exactly how well you did, and how you can use the topic performances to inform your studies.

You can read the guide here: CFA Exam Results Explained: How to Interpret Your Results Charts

Waiting for your results? Enjoy your time off for now, let us know what you’re up to with a comment below!

Meanwhile, you may find these related articles of interest:


64 thoughts on “When Will My CFA Results Be Released?”

  1. Hi! Big fan over here, been following you since I took FRM part I in 2020. I plan to sit CFA L3 this August and the early bird promo ends just before the application to the access scholarship opens (I think January 23rd). My question is, if I apply for the access scholarship in this window, will I still be able to pay the early bird fee for Aug 24th? I guess so, since it’s the only window the people who passed L2 Nov 2023 can apply to. Thanks!

  2. Hi everyone,

    I received an email from CFA Institute mentioning that my CFA Level I Nov 2023 exam results will be emailed to me on Jan 10th, 9 am ET.

  3. Hi All,
    Today I received a notification from the CFA Institute that my CFA Level II Aug 2023 exam results will be emailed to me on Oct 5th, 2023 9 a.m.

  4. Hi All,

    Today I received an email from CFA Institute mentioning that my CFA Level I Nov 2022 exam results will be emailed to me on Jan 12th 9 am ET.

  5. Just received an e-mail mentioning CFA L3 results from May/22 exam will be available on July 28th (fortunately 1 week before the expected)… 4 anxious weeks to come!

    • The confirmed dates are as published in the article above – they aren’t on the same day. It is possible to have L1 and L2 results on the same day – it has happened in the past, although it seems that CFA Institute have moved away from this. Good luck!

    • Just received my results. Passed within the 90 percentile of all the candidates! I am so happy!
      To my great astonishment, 25% pass rate. IMO, CFA has to rethink their grading method. A significant fluctuation in pass rate is no characteristic for a consistent assessment system.
      I am ACCA and the association uses pass rate from period to period as a benchmark, which makes sense. Since a professional exam should not only assess the minimum level of knowledge, but also relative level of knowledge across the stundet body.
      Wish you guys best luck!

  6. I just rang the CFA because I hadn’t received an email confirming that the exam results for the L2 May 21 sitting would be released on 3rd August 2021. After emailing and receiving no response, I finally got through… only to be told I hadn’t turned up to the exam I spent two years of my life preparing for. I have an email from Prometric confirming that I sat and completed the exam and submitted it seemingly without issue. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I’m completely at a loss with regards to what I should do from here.

    • That sounds messed up. I’ve not heard of this happening before, although there are some candidates that have not received their ‘results date announcement’ email yet. So this issue might also be widespread 😐

      What did CFA Institute offer as a solution (if any)?

      This is pretty bad – just when you think it can’t get any worse…

    • my situation matches yours in that i have received no email with exam results date for L2 May21 exam. I’m trying to reach CFA but can’t for now… CFA’s reputation is at serious risk here imo

      • May be alarming, but we have had some candidates in similar situations that turned out that CFA Institute were not aware of them having completed their exam at all. I’d redouble efforts to get in touch with CFA Institute.

        • Update: i managed to reach CFA and they assured me nothing was wrong with my exam. For some reason i just didn’t get the exam results date email but nothing to worry about. She told me that those in the case of Will Haynes will be contacted one by one.

  7. Hi guys,

    I took the Level 3 exam in May but did not show up in the afternoon session. So it’s obvious that I’ve failed. On the other hand, even I don’t really want to wait for the results, but I guess I have to wait for it anyway (considering that I won’t get a result since I didn’t participate in the pm session). When I try to register on the institute’s website, it says “You are already registered”.

    In summary; do you know if I can register without waiting for the results as someone who did not attend the afternoon session?


  8. I sat for May 2021 exam and still haven’t received the result date announcement email. That’s so weird

    • Are you receiving other emails from CFA Institute? If not, you might want to contact CFA Institute just to check that you have the right email address registered with them.

  9. I did level 2 test on 31/05 and just received an email saying my results will be released on august, 3 (9 weeks).
    I really hope there is a mistake

      • Has anyone else not received the email saying it was the 3rd August for L2 results? I can’t get hold of the CFA Institute to find out why I haven’t received the email confirming that results will be out on the 3rd.

      • I just received the information via E-Mail, that the results for L1 (May) will be released on the 3rd of august. Not the 27th.

  10. HI, just to clarify – the exam window for Level 1 of CFA May 2021 closed on 24th May, and 7 weeks after that is 12 July 2021. So would it be released by then, would level 1 and level 2 be released at the same time?

  11. So…basically if someone receives an email in early July stating that will be able to register for the November exam after the 20 July deadline it potentially means he failed the may exam right?

    • No. CFA Institute moved the registration deadline to 20th July, which potentially is before results day, so they are clarifying that for candidates that are waiting for results, they would still be eligible to register for the November exam – whether or not it’s a reattempt or the next exam level.

      • Hi Zee, I was unable to attend the May exam since my father had a cancer operation on my exam date and I’m his only family. I’m hoping to attend the Nov exam, however no replies at all when I tried contacting them through emails. Do you think non-attendance would still be eligible for this registration? Any suggestions on what I can do? I really want to get the exam done when I still remember the materials.. Thanks!

        • You are actually allowed to defer your exam in the case of life-threatening illness to you or your immediate family member, which (in my opinion) applies to you. However, deferral requests must be received by CFA Institute prior to or within 10 US business days after the exam window.

          Did you contact them at the time to request a deferral? Otherwise, again, you’ll have to contact them to see if you can register for Nov’21. Calling them up (wait times seem to be currently around 2 hours) might yield an immediate answer.

        • You are actually allowed to defer your exam in the case of life-threatening illness to you or your immediate family member, which (in my opinion) applies to you. However, deferral requests must be received by CFA Institute prior to or within 10 US business days after the exam window.

          Did you contact them at the time to request a deferral? Otherwise, again, you’ll have to contact them to see if you can register for Nov’21. Calling them up (wait times seem to be currently around 2 hours) might yield an immediate answer.

          Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

  12. With the recently revised registration deadline of July 20th for the Nov 21 exam, I’m assuming May21 L3 results should be out shortly, to allow time to retake in Nov if necessary?

    • Not necessarily. The results may be out after the 20th July deadline, but CFA Institute have confirmed that candidates receiving their May’21 results will be allowed to register for Nov’21 even after the deadline has passed:

      *Candidates who sat for the May exam and candidates who have been granted a deferral to the November exam will be able to register for the November exam after the 20 July deadline. If you qualify for this later deadline, further information will be sent to you by email in early July.

  13. Hi guys,
    Just to update you on the OPT release date. CFA Institute sent me an email yesterday saying they will email the results on 8 June 2021 after 9:00 a.m. ET.
    Very weird I would say, as it is even longer than their predicted 6-7 weeks timeline and there was a very reduce number of candidates taking the OPT.

    • Thanks for the update! Yes, it is indeed weird. But as it’s a one-off, a new format, and with Covid cancellations etc, anything is possible.

  14. Considering there was a small March window for some candidates who were unable to sit for the Feb Exam. Do you reckon that is going to impact they results timeline for all February candidates?

    • Hi Raj, I don’t think so, as CFA Institute would need to announce results at the promised timeline for Feb21 candidates so that they have time to register for the next exams.

  15. CFA has always been strange to me. I did CMA exams between 2008 and 2010 in the old 4 books curriculum, and for the first three parts, I received my result instantly after submitting the exam. I cannot understand why the CFA level 1 I sat for in February won’t release the results sooner. I mean I can understand the assessment of ethics and the passing score, but that is assumed to be faster, not slower after transitioning to CBT instead of a paper-based exam. Let’s see where this goes.

    • Hi James, with CBT, I’m not sure at this stage as everything is new for us and CFA Institute. CFA Institute’s current guidance is 6-7 weeks after close of exam window (i.e. 1 March for L1 Feb21), so our estimate is mid April currently.


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