how to get a cfa scholarship orig

CFA Scholarships: How to Successfully Get Them

Aside from the time commitment, there is a considerable cost to pursuing the CFA charter, especially for students. Level 1 enrollment and registration fees alone can be as high as $1,600, not including any third-party materials you might need. Luckily, there are a variety of CFA scholarships available for candidates, allowing you to reduce the enrollment and signup …

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cfa after mba

Why Pursuing CFA After MBA Is A Better Idea

I recently graduated with my Masters in Business Administration. Finance classes were by and far my favorite, and after gaining work experience as an intern in investor relations, I flirted with the idea of obtaining CFA after MBA graduation. The CFA society of my region spoke to my class the first semester in, and I …

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cfa vs caia comparison

CFA vs CAIA: Which Is Superior? Or Do Both?

CFA and CAIA designations can appear very similar at first sight, especially since the introduction of the CFA Level 3 Specialized Pathways, as they both target investment and financial professionals. However, there are differences in global recognition, breadth and depth of topics studied, career focus and exam difficulty. They could even be a complementary set …

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cfa vs mba

CFA vs MBA: Which Is Better for Your Career?

If you currently or aspire to work in finance, and have evaluated if MBA is worth it to you, a natural follow up comparison question could be: CFA vs MBA which is better for me? Like most comparisons, the answer is – it depends. Firstly, it’s not straightforward to compare a CFA charter and an MBA …

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