CFA Exam Dates 2025: Key Registration Deadlines

Keeping track of all the important CFA exam information and deadlines is tough as is, especially when you’re already busy studying to pass the exams.

It didn’t help that CFA Institute’s dates kept changing for the CFA exam window frequencies for each level.

So here’s a quick summary on all relevant CFA exam dates you need to know, as well as any registration questions you may have.

CFA exam dates: What are the important deadlines I need in my schedule?

CFA Exam Dates Deadlines and Schedule For Your Calendar

Here’s a reminder of the next few upcoming exam cycles in 2025:

  • Feb 2025: Level 1 and 3 only, registration closed on 7 Nov 2024.
  • May 2025: Level 1 and 2 only, registration closing on 6 Feb 2025.
  • Aug 2025: All levels. Registration dates opened on 6 Nov 2024.
  • Nov 2025: Level 1 and 2 only. Registration opens on 12 Feb 2025.

For more help on understanding how the new exam cycle works, check out our CFA Journey Planner.

You can also add the CFA exam dates below to your personal calendar here.


Here are all the latest CFA exam dates listed in the table below.

You can add all these dates to your calendar by clicking on the buttons below (yes, it’s free and constantly updated):

CFA Exam Dates / DeadlinesFeb 2025
(Level 1 & 3)
May 2025
(Level 1 & 2)
Aug 2025
(all Levels)
Nov 2025
(Level 1 & 2)
Registration Opens9 May 20248 Aug 20246 Nov 202412 Feb 2025
Early Registration Deadline9 July 202416 Oct 202429 Jan 20259 Apr 2025
Final Registration Deadline7 Nov 20246 Feb 20256 May 20255 Aug 2025
Scheduling Deadline12 Nov 202411 Feb 202513 May 202512 Aug 2025
Rescheduling DeadlineL1 & 3: 18 Jan 2025L1 & 2: 14 Apr 2025L1: 21 Jul 2025

L2: 28 Jul 2025

L3: 14 Jul 2025
L1: 1 Nov 2025

L2: 8 Nov 2025

CFA Exam Windows
L1: 17-23 Feb 2025

L3: 13-16 Feb 2025
L1: 14-20 May 2025

L2: 21-25 May 2025
L1: 20-26 Aug 2025

L2: 27-31 Aug 2025

L3: 15-19 Aug 2025
L1: 12-18 Nov 2025

L2: 19-23 Nov 2025

How do the CFA exam registration fees vary across deadlines?

wallet money

Things have gotten simpler since CFA Institute’s recent announcement on changes in exam frequency and a switch to computer-based testing for all Levels.

These are the current 2025 CFA exam fees, with pricing changes from 2026:

Deadline (Eastern Time)Early Registration DeadlineFinal Registration Deadline
1st-time Enrolment Fee
Retakers need not pay this again
US$ 350 (2025)
US$ 0 (Feb 2026 onwards)
US$ 350 (2025)
US$ 0 (Feb 2026 onwards)
Registration FeeUS$ 990-1,090 depending on Level (2025)

US$ 1,140-1,240 depending on Level (Feb 2026 onwards)
US$ 1,290-1,390 (2025)

US$ 1,490-1,590 (2026)

For computer-based-tests, there is also a USD 250 fee if you need to reschedule your exam within the same exam window – only payable if you need to change the date of your exam!

For more details, do refer to our CFA exam fees article for more details and a realistic budget assessment for the CFA exams.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the CFA Program admissions process or entry requirements?

CFA Institute recently updated the entry requirements in Nov 2022.

In short, you must meet one of the following requirements:

(a) have a Bachelor’s degree, OR
(b) your chosen CFA Level 1 exam window is at most 2 years before your graduation month of an undergraduate degree, OR
(c) have at least 4,000 hours of work experience and/or higher education that was acquired over a minimum of 3 consecutive years. Note that the professional work experience requirement for enrollment doesn’t require involvement in investment decision making process, unlike for CFA charterholders.

For more exact details, check our guide on CFA entry requirements prior to registering as a CFA Level 1 candidate.

How do I enroll and register for the CFA Program?

Once you’ve checked that you meet the enrollment criteria of the CFA program (see previous question), you can register for the CFA program by creating an account to start your studies.

What’s this first time enrolment fee?

This is the fee that’s only applicable if you’re new to the CFA Program.

If this is your first time registering for a CFA exam ever, then you’ll have to pay this fee once, otherwise you don’t.

Do I get print curriculum books with my registration?


Your registration fee includes the e-version of the curriculum, plus practice tests and mock exams. 

If you’d like your own print curriculum, you’ll be able to buy it during the registration checkout process for USD 150 + shipping. You can also buy it post-registration if you like.

I have another question. Can I get a response from you guys?

You can! We know that pre-registration is a period of confusion and possibly many questions for a lot of our readers.

If you have any question at all, always remember that you can reach us at the 300 Hours Forum. No question is too small, and we will always help any candidate that reaches out for help!

Can I add all these dates to my calendar easily?

Yes, you can add our CFA calendar to yours (Google, Outlook or Apple iCal) with just one click via our CFA exam calendar page!

Here are some related articles you may find useful:


266 thoughts on “CFA Exam Dates 2025: Key Registration Deadlines”

  1. Hi Greetings,

    I am planning to apply for the Access Scholarship for the November 2025 CFA exam, and I intend to submit my application on the opening date, 12th February.

    Could you kindly clarify when I can expect to receive a response regarding my application? While I understand that there may not be a specific date, would it be reasonable to expect a response before the Early Bird Window deadline of 9th April 2025?

    Thank you. I look forward to your response.

  2. Hey if i plan to take the exam in Feb 2025, what are the reg dates along with their respective fees? (both early bird and standard)

  3. Hi. I am planning to apply for feb 2025 level 3. The early registration deadline is 9th July 2024. Should i delay registering for the exam and apply for access scholarship? Is it possible?

  4. Hello! I will register for the Feb 2024 L1 Exam. The total fee including VAT comes out to be 1450USD. I will also apply for the scholarship, but the window opens in Sep 2023 and the early bird registration deadline is in July.
    Will I be refunded the amount if the scholarship is granted to me or do I have to use that scholarship later?
    Also, suppose I clear the L1 exam in Feb’24, can I use the scholarship for the further two levels within the same year?

    • Hi, could you give me the curriculum for CFA level 1 2024, please? I plan to take this exam in May 2024, however, my background is not finance so i need more time to learn : ( could you, please?

  5. I need to defer my May 2022 exam. But I haven’t received any mail as my mailbox was full. Can someone kindly help here.
    If there is any link to opt for deferral process, can you please share it here.
    Also, please explain the process on how to apply for this deferral

    • You can only defer if you are offered one – if you suspect you’re eligible but missed the email, I would contact CFA Institute directly via phone to check. Hope that helps!

      • Hi Zee tan
        My exam is in may 2023, and I haven’t prepared well! And I want to purchase the deferral. Can you please help me out here ? It’s important

  6. I wish to write CFA 1 in nov 2022 seeing my current work schedule..can we expect CFA exam in the month of Nov 2022 unlike other years

  7. Is it absolutely sure that there will be a LVL 2 Exam in November 2022? And when will the registration dates come out? Thanks!

  8. Hi, my question is:
    My employer generally offers aid for CFA but there are many strings attached that I wouldn’t like to take on and there are prequisite that right now I don’t satisfy. In light of these, can I apply for scholarship and do I have fighting chance to get scholarship?

    Thank you for the answers.

  9. I want to apply for access scholarship for Level 1 exam and window will open in mid Jan 2022 if I apply for scholarship in Jan 2022 can I register for May 2022 level 1 exam.

    • The final registration deadline for the CFA May’22 exams is 8 Feb so it’s unlikely you’ll receive a decision on your Access Scholarship by then. Hope that helps!

  10. Hi, My exam appointment has been confirmed and will be held on 22 Nov. However I lost my grandfather last week. I wonder that if my request to postpone the exam today is still valid? And what do I need to provide to prove? Thank you in advance!

    • I believe I’ve responded earlier in the forum, but for future readers – get in contact with CFA Institute to request a deferral. You can prepare proof of your situation (in your case a death certificate) but whether you’ll need it would depend on CFA Institute.

  11. I am currently registered for the Nov 2021 L2 exam. Two days back, I came down with fever and have a covid test scheduled. I am worried what would happen if I get a positive result. I know that the Institute allows deferring exams in that case but would I get February 2022 or have to wait till August 2022?

    • Deferrals will be on a case-by-case policy and based on availability so there isn’t a clear-cut policy on what exam window you’d be allocated if deferred.

  12. Hi i have registered for level 1 feb 22 exam . If i clear and want to give aug 22 level 2 exam when can i register. Like after results

  13. HI, if I am already scheduled my exam day and location but I need to change it to another location before the deadline. Does it will have a fee?

  14. I know the announcements have not come yet, but will Nov22 be available for Lv III? Thank you in advance.

    • Candidates can’t defer their CFA exams from one exam window (e.g. November 2021) to another (e.g. February 2022) without good reason (e.g. contracted Covid, death in the family, etc) I’m afraid. You are however allowed to withdraw from Nov’21 and re-register for Feb’22, but you will forfeit your exam registration fees.

      • Can you withdraw from Feb ’22 and re-register for Nov ’21? Besides having to pay the fee all over again, are there other considerations one should keep in mind?

        • CFA Nov’21 is no longer available for registration, so you can’t do that.

          But if it were available for registration – yes, you should be able to withdraw from a CFA exam to register for an earlier one, subject to availability.

          An important and obvious consideration would be whether you are exam-ready by bringing your exam date forward 3 months.

          Hope that helps!

  15. hey, one question please: i am registered for feb 2022, i started studying in July, so i bought the KAPLAN books for 2021, now there are many changes for 2022 exam, what should i do, does these changes will affect me , and how should i get the added reading

    • I would always recommend getting the right curriculum for your exam. 2022 curriculum would have incorporated 2 years’ worth of changes since 2021 curriculum is the same as 2020 (CFA Institute froze the curriculum because of the pandemic).

      For a detailed summary of changes to of 2021 vs 2022 CFA curriculum, see our guide here.

  16. Hi,

    I was supposed to take my CFA level II exam in August 2021. Due to COVID lockdown, it got deferred to either February or August 2022. Planning the schedule ahead, is it possible to register for the exam in a different country? If I did change to a different country, and that country hypothetically went into lockdown around that time, does CFA allow changing the testing centre location to my original / or another country (before the rescheduling deadline)?

    Thank you.

    • You should be allowed to change exam locations for your deferral.

      If that new location went into lockdown, there is no standard procedure – CFA Institute will be in touch on what you are allowed to do. But historically it means you’ll get deferred again, rather than be allowed to simply change locations within the same exam window.

  17. I have registered for Level 3 Nov 2021 exam but missed to book a slot. I tried in July 2021, but was not able to do so because of technical glitch and later was not able to access mail due to hospitalization in August. Today when i tried to book a slot, got to know that the deadline has passed. Is there anything which can be done on medical grounds.

    Also the fees gets forfeited, which is bit unfair.

    • I agree that it is unfair. We have pressed CFA Institute on this but they have not commented any more than “we are adding in more locations all the time, keep checking back”. This seems to imply that theoretically no one should be left out, which isn’t the case based on what candidates like yourself are reporting.

      Sorry we couldn’t help more on this!

  18. At first, I registered for CFA Level 1 in July 2021, but it got canceled due to COVID-related government restrictions. Then I got three options to reschedule my exam to November, February, or May. I decided to reschedule my exam to November 2021. However, when I want to schedule my exam date and place in Jakarta, Indonesia there is no availability found. I already check it regularly more than 20 times and always found there is no availability found in Indonesia. It’s impossible for me to change location to another country and the scheduling deadline is 15 August 2021.

    I am still checking the availability every day, but what if until the deadline there is no availability found for the exam in Indonesia? What are my options and what should I do? I already email CFA but I haven’t received any reply.

    • To be honest this is one area where we still are being stonewalled. CFA Institute have not directly addressed what happens in this situation – they insist that all candidates should be able to book their slots and if they can’t find one, all they have to do is to ‘check back in a few days’.

      I would keep emailing CFA Institute to make sure there is a paper trail of your issues so that you hopefully have enough evidence to postpone for free / get your money back if you need to do that.

      Good luck!

  19. I have registered for CFA level 2 august 2021, but because of some concerns i need to reschedule it to November 2021. But reschedule option isn’t available in my registration due to some reason. What can I do.

    • Rescheduling does not mean you get to reschedule across exam windows – i.e. you don’t get to reschedule from Feb’22 to May’22. Rescheduling means changing your dates within your exam window, e.g. change from 15th Feb to 18th Feb.

  20. I am in the process of registering for L1 in Feb’22, and have paid the invoice on 6th August from Germany. Since it will take several days till my payment is received at CFA, it will be after the early-bird deadline of 10th August. Will my early-bird registration still be valid? Or what to do then – will the registration be cancelled? Or can I pay additional USD 300 and go on with it?
    Thanks a lot.

  21. Just wanted to know that will the CFA Level 1 registrations for November 2021 open again or is it closed and the person has only option left i.e., to appear for February 2022 ?? Please advise.

    • Hi Naman, as per the summary table, L1 Nov21 registration has closed. You can register for Feb22 now, with the early registration deadline being 10 August, so make sure you decide soon!

  22. Hi,

    I registered for May 21 Level II, and unfortunately, I could not sit for the exam. I did not even schedule the exam. Now when I try to register for the Nov 21 exam, the CFA site says “CFA Level II Computer-based Exam – Registered”
    Does this mean that I can not sit for Level II in Nov 21? I sent a mail to CFAI but have not got a reply as yet.


    • Hi, I had the exact same circumstances but as it relates to the CFA Level III. I just spoke with the CFAI rep after a 2 hour wait on the phone. I was told that since the May 2021 exam results are not out yet I am technically enrolled to an exam and cannot enroll to another exam. May 2021 exam results will be out in early August, or after the November 2021 exam enrollment deadline on July 20, 2021. I will therefore NOT be able to sign up for the November 2021 exam at a later date. There have been capacity issues with the November 2021 exam and the enrollment window will NOT be extended for people who were signed up for and did not pass the May 2021 exam.

    • Hi, I had an identical situation but for the CFA Level III. I just spoke with the CFAI rep after a 2 hour wait on the phone. I was told that since the May 2021 exam results are not out yet I am technically enrolled to an exam and cannot enroll to another exam. May 2021 exam results will be out in early August, or after the November 2021 exam enrollment deadline on July 20, 2021. I will therefore NOT be able to sign up for the November 2021 exam at a later date. There have been capacity issues with the November 2021 exam and the enrollment window will NOT be extended for people who were signed up for and did not pass the May 2021 exam.

  23. Hi,

    I am a candidate whose exam got deferred due to COVID-19 from May 2021 to November 2021. I cannot sit in November 2021 for the exam due to personal reasons. Will I be able to defer it to May 2022?

  24. Hi Zee! Your website is sooo helpful, thank you for doing this for free 🙂

    I’m planning to take L1 in May 2022 but also would like to apply for scholarship, which they will open on Sept 2021. How long does the scholarship process take? Would I have time before the May 2022 exam?

    • You’re very welcome, Michelle!

      I’m assuming you’re talking about the Women’s Scholarship here since you mentioned it opens in September. Scholarship results are assessed quarterly so it can take up to 12 weeks for applicants to find out if they have been awarded a scholarship. Looking at the deadlines, it’ll probably work out 😀

  25. Hi,
    I registered for may2021 CFA level 1 ,It got cancelled because of covid ,so can I apply for for feb 2022 slot (without paying any extra ) as I have some commitments in Nov or registration transfer option is only for nov?

    • You’ll have to refer to instructions that CFA Institute has sent you, and contact them to request Feb’22. I’ve not heard of CFA Institute offering deferred May’21 candidates a choice by default, but I don’t think that would be fair since deferred candidates did not choose Nov’21, so they might offer a later date if you ask for it.

  26. Hi
    I got the cfa scholarship for 2021 but unfortunately I failed to procure registration fees. I was not feeling very well and now I wish to write the May 2022 exam. Does the scholarship spill into 2022 and can I apply again for 2022 exam and get the scholarship.

  27. Hi, I am a final year student studying Bcom Investment Management. I am interested in doing my CFA level 1 exam next year, however I have also applied to do my honors next year. I will only know at the end of the year if I am accepted to do honors. My question is, when is the latest possible time I can register during this year to do my CFA level 1 in 2022? And are the exam dates for CFA Level 1 only in Feb and May or are there more opportunities to take the exam next year?

  28. Hi

    Please be informed that I registered for my CFA Level 1 exam in Feb’22 yesterday but now I want to appear for the May’ 22 attempt. As per stated information on site-we can cancel our enrollment within 14 days of registration with full refund.

    Will I be getting my full refund if I cancel my registration, also will I be able to register myself for May’22 attempt.

    • Yes, you should be able to cancel your registration for Feb’22 for a full refund. Contact CFA Institute as soon as possible.

      You’ll need to cancel your Feb’22 registration before you can register for May’22.

  29. URGENT. I am registered for level 2 August 2021 and due to personal reasons i cant sit for it. I want to give the exam in November 2021. Should i email the cfai or wjthdraw my registration and re-register for November exam -(since registration deadline is 20th July)
    Is that registration open for everyone?

    • You can only register for one CFA exam at a time, so if you want to register for Nov’21, you need to withdraw from Aug’21 first. This is done by emailing Please remember that by withdrawing you will lose the fees paid to CFA Institute for Aug’21.

      Good luck!

      • I have emailed them. What if they don’t respond before the registration deadline (that is on 20th July)? I don’t mind paying the fees again.

      • Hi, Kriti. I´m having a similar issue. There´s no withdraw button available for me. Just sent them an email. Was your case solved?

        • I emailed them 2 weeks ago and no response yet. The deadline for normal registration is 20th july. I’m not sure what to do now.

        • Emailed 2 weeks ago and no response yet. The deadline for normal registration is 20th july. I’m not sure what to do now.

    • Not necessarily. The results may be out after the 20th July deadline, but CFA Institute have confirmed that candidates receiving their May’21 results will be allowed to register for Nov’21 even after the deadline has passed:

      *Candidates who sat for the May exam and candidates who have been granted a deferral to the November exam will be able to register for the November exam after the 20 July deadline. If you qualify for this later deadline, further information will be sent to you by email in early July.

  30. Hi I’d like to postpone my CFA LV1 August EXAM to CFA LV1 EXAM on 2022 FEB. Did that not open yet or is it done by email? Thank you so much!

  31. Heya,
    I am a deferred candidate from Dec 2020 and now May 2020 for Level 2 and I’m expecting the exam in November.
    I wanted to apply for the scholarship for CFA level 3 in May 2022, but I don’t know when the right time would be to do that.. is it after I clear level 2, or sometime now?

  32. Hey,

    My L1 is due in July 2021. I am a candidate from India, and the situation here is pretty overwhelming. Is there a chance that I can reschedule my exam to a later date?

  33. Hi.. I wanted to pursue CFA but not sure whether it will add some value to my career as I am already a CA?

  34. Hey,
    I have scheduled for july 2021 level 1 exam but I want to reschedule it for August 2021 exam.
    Is it possible to do so.

    • Unless CFA Institute cancels your exam due to Covid, I’m afraid you won’t be able to reschedule. Even then August 2021 will not be available, seeing as the postponed May 2021 candidates were offered November 2021.

  35. Hello,
    I had one question regarding the early registration deadline

    I am about to give level 1 in August 21 and level 2 in feb 22
    Now the issue is that early registration deadline is 10 August 21 for L2 registration, which is even before the L1 exam
    So does that mean if you give L2 in feb 22, you can only opt for a standard registration fees?
    Or am i missing something?

    • I am about to give level 1 in August 21 and level 2 in feb 22

      That’s confidence!

      Yes, CFA candidates that are taking exams ‘back-to-back’ will miss out on early registration fee savings.

  36. Dear sir/Ma’am,

    My name is Bhumika Anant Bodkhe. From India I have registered for CFA level 1examination for July CFA institute ID is :9751934

    I got notification about examination to schedule my exam

    date and center. Due to COVID emergency I was unable to finalize my exam plan. I was hospitalized for 10 days that’s why unable to operate any device.

    I request you to make an exception for me to fill this exam form again.

    I apologize for inconvenience.


    Bhumika Bodkhe

          • Hi Zee,

            I am planning to give my very first attempt of CFA 1 in 2022. I have been told that the only early available slot/exam date is of May 2022 whereas I had this impression that it should be feb 2022.

            Is it so? Is the only early slot available is of May 22?

          • Who are these people ‘telling’ you?

            As far as I know, as the guide above says, the early reg deadline for Feb’22 is 10th August 2021. So that’s still available.

  37. Hi y exam is on the 21th of may (after 4 days) something came up and I’d like to reschedule, what should I do ?

    • You can’t. Your only chance is to try and contact CFA Institute by then, explain your situation and see if they’ll approve your deferral. It will depend on your ‘something’ that came up. Given their response times due to all the Covid cancellations, it might not be even possible to get a response from CFA Institute before then at all.

  38. Re. your answer to question (1):

    If one takes L3 in May/2021 and fails, given when the results arrive, will it still be possible to register for the Nov/2021 cycle?

  39. Hi,
    I wanna register for level 1 exam on August, but the registration has closed. When CFA announce that they shorten the registration period from 4 May to 22 Apr.

    p/s: I failed L1 February exam and quite frustrated if i can’t register for August.

  40. Hi I have cfa level 3 exams in May 2021 I have 2 doubts
    1. What if I fail in May exams can I give again in August ?
    2. Is it possible to postpone(reschedule) my exam from May to August

    • Hi Vishal,
      1) If you fail L3 May21, the earliest you can retake L3 is Nov21 due to the required ‘6 months gap’ – see this CFA Journey Planner article for more info.

      2) CFA Institute is not offering options to reschedule exams between different exam cycles at the moment due to the pandemic and managing all the postponed candidates from 2020.

  41. What happens if I’ve already chosen a date for the May Level II exam and want to reschedule to November? Is this possible? I was deferred from last year.

    • Hi Shanelle, this currently isn’t possible unfortunately, although worth asking CFA Institute directly. I suspect you may not get a response in time as their customer service is experiencing a heavy workload.

      All you can do is pay $25 to change the exam day within your May exam window, not change the exam cycle itself.

  42. Hello, I tried to reschedule my feb level 1 exam but I cannot see any option to reschedule. Has the reschedule option closed now?

  43. Hi,
    I have deferred my February exam to july but after registering I’m not able to schedule my appointment as it shows no available location.When will be the new capacity added? Kindly provide some update.

  44. I deferred my February exam to july but after registering i am not able to schedule my appointment as it shows no available location. What would happen if I didn’t get any available appointment. I am very stressed! Does any one know something about it!

  45. Hello This side shivam
    I enrolled myself for CFA level 1 July 2021 exam 4 days back . Still when I go to schedule portal for appointment for centre in India it is showing no centre available in all major cities. What should I do.?

  46. Originally i was registered for CFA Level 1June 2020 exam , then for Dec 2020 exam but that exam test centre got cancelled. Now i’m trying to register for May 2021 CFA level 1 but not able to view this option in my Account. When i’m trying to register for July 2021 Level 1 CFA exam but during checkout its not showing zero dollar instead its showing $700 .

    • Hi Johirul, when your previous exams were cancelled/postponed twice, did you not opt to defer for a specific exam cycle in 2021?

      Unfortunately L1 May 2021 registration was closed early by CFA Institute last week as it is now full. If you did not request for a refund last December, you should be allowed to defer to future 2021 exams for free. You probably have to reach out to CFA Institute to clarify this.

    • Hi Johirul, wanted to check if your query was addressed? I’m trying to register for July 2021, but checkout does not show $0.

  47. Hey,
    I’m currently enrolled for CFA level-1 CBT exam due in February. Do I need to print admission ticket for the exam ? Because till now I haven’t got any confirmation from the institution regarding the same.

  48. Hey i was about to register today for CFA level 1 exam, May attempt but when i opened the website, May attempt was not displayed and i am sure i had time to register till February 23, 2021. Now the website shows a July attempt which i have access to for early registration through 10th March,2021.
    Can anyone help me tell the reason behind it and is there something i can do about it so i can give a May attempt, because all my plans and my prep was scheduled for May exam, now i have to wait additional 2 months.?

    • Hi Kushagra,

      I think May level 1 exam registration closed on 2nd Feb already; the Feb 23th deadline is for level 2 and 3 exams (May).

    • Hi Kushagra, you are right that previously the final registration date for May21 L1 is on 23 Feb. However, CFA Institute changed that date suddenly earlier this week due to L1 May being oversubscribed (lots of Feb21 deferral and cancellations).

      It’s always a good practice to register early these days given that CFA Institute seems to change/close their registration for exams early/unannounced due to the pandemic cancellations/deferrals.

  49. Hi,
    I have registered for Level 2 May 2021, would it be possible for me to reschedule the same to the Aug2021 session, and if yes what is the deadline.

    Thanks in advance

    • Hi Yash, currently CFA Institute doesn’t allow any changes between exam cycles (e.g. from May to Aug21), but they would allow changes within an exam window (e.g. May 5th to 7th for example) for $25 fee.

  50. Hello,
    I wanted to register for cfa level 1 exam for august 2021 attempt but it is showing registration is closed and last date is 2 feb so how can I register before 2 feb.

    • Hi Swapnil, is this still an issue? Aug21 registration should only be closed 4 May. CFA Institute is having a big update this week on 2 Feb that may relate to this.

  51. Hi, I’m registered to CFA level 1 exam in may 2021.

    But, In the process of selecting a schedule, I am faced with difficulties.

    In the next window of “Schedule your exam”, the following statement appears:

    “An error has occurred, please refer to your sponsor for additional information.”

    Is the test capacity of May saturated?

    • Hi Peter, I’m not sure actually, did you try refreshing, or another day to see if it is a system issue by CFA Institute? Otherwise it may be best to contact CFA Institute directly for latest news on their booking system.

  52. Hi ,

    I wish to register for the cfa level 2 exam in August 2021 . My doubt is that if I manage to clear the level 2 in August then when can I give level 3 at the earliest ?

  53. is July 2021 exam window open for all candidates or only for those whose L1 2020 exam was affected by covid-19 .

      • Hi, could you please help me with a similar query regarding MAY 2021 attempt. A friend was awarded ‘Access scholarship’ in October 2020 which will expire on 30 June 2021. CFA, unfortunately, closed registration for May 2021 early. My friend is now trying to get himself registered for July-21 attempt but it is showing FULL FEE without scholarship while checking out. He then tried for Aug-21 attempt and the scholarship adjustment is reflecting.

        Why is it that he is unable to tale July-21 attempt with scholarship?

        • Hi Maira, please contact CFA Institute for this. It sounds like an IT issue from CFA Institute’s side as July21 is a new registration, and frankly should work the same if it still applies for Aug21?

          • Thanks Sophie, been trying to reach CFA helpline regional and USA one. But unable to connect with them since yesterday. I have also emailed them but no response yet.

            Could you please confirm one more thing. Is it mandatory to REGISTER for exam BEFORE scholarship expiry date or do we also have to TAKE exam before the expiry date?

            Thank you so much!

          • No worries Maira, happy to help. I think CFA Institute’s helpline is exploding at the moment 🙂

            For CFA Scholarships, you’ll need to register for a CFA exam before the expiration date listed in the scholarship award email, NOT take the exam before the expiry date although that’s fine too if preferred. Hope this is clear!

  54. Hi,
    I want to enroll for August or November 2021. I will br enrolling for 1st time. What are the relevant deadlines, specially for registration and payments? Is there still time available for me to enroll for Aug or Nov 2021?

    • Hi Pallavi, for Aug and Nov 2021 deadlines, you can refer to the table above in this article itself.

      For Aug 2021, early registration deadline (for cheaper fees) is 2 Feb 2021, final registration deadline is 4 May 2021. You can’t register for the exam after the final registration deadline.

      Similarly for Nov 2021, early registration deadline is 4 May 2021, final registration deadline is 10 Aug 2021.

      Yes there is still time to enrol, but early registration deadline for Aug 2021 is next week at 2 Feb 2021, so you have to make a decision soon.

  55. Hi, I’m registered to CFA level 1 exam in may 2021, but recently I made a surgery in my eyes and it’s affecting my studying hours, so is it possible to postpone my exam to august 2021 without losing the fees I already paid?

  56. Hi,
    I am registered for the Level 1 Exam on 18 May 2021. I intend to take the Level 2 Exam in Nov 2021.

    1) Can I early register for the L2 Exam by 04 May 2021?
    2) If not to the above question, can I register for the L2 Exam immediately after writing the exam but before exam results are posted?

    It seems likely that I’ll miss out on the $300 discount for early registration (which is what it is).
    But with only 6 months between exams, is there a contingency for losing 2 months of Learning Ecosystem access while waiting for exam results?

    Thank you 🙂

    • Hi Nathan, to answer your questions:

      1) Unfortunately you cannot register for L2 Nov21 without getting your L1 results first, i.e. you cannot make early registration fees for L2 Nov21 with L1 May21.

      2) Sorry, this isn’t possible either, as you need your L1 results first (which is estimated to be released around 60 days after your exam date in July).

      Yes, you have a good point about losing that 2 months whilst waiting for results.

      One of our writers Sophie has managed this feat of studying and passing Level 2 in 4 months, she has a few good L2 tips of doing so.

      I would also recommend starting studying earlier while you can, e.g. getting second hand L2 books to start off, since 2021’s curriculum is the same as 2020 and this is possible only this year due to CFAI freezing the 2020-2021 curriculum due to COVID.

      L2 is pretty challenging due to sheer quantity of material, so getting a headstart on the books for 2 months definitely helps your prep 🙂

  57. Hi,

    I have registered/rescheduled my cfa level 3 exam for May 2021, but since there was added August window for level 3, I’d rather reschedule my exam appointment. on the website i tried and it only gives rescheduling option within may. does anyone know if I can reschedule for later exam window?

    • Hi Nana, given the COVID situation, CFA Institute currently only allow rescheduling WITHIN an exam window, rather than across different exam cycles.

      Your best move is to contact CFAI directly to see if they allow this.

    • Hi Zack, my current understanding is that March 2021 is ‘by invitation’ only for deferred Dec/Feb candidates. One way to check if that option is available to you is to login your CFA Institute account to see if a March 2021 option is available to you.

      If not, CFA Institute has said that Feb candidates can defer to any 2021 exam for free (not sure if this includes March though), and more details will be announced on 2 Feb. So you can check your account to see if March is available to you, if not, just wait for 2 weeks for CFA Institute to provide more details.

      Hope this helps!

  58. If a person appearing for level 1in March 22 and then can he appear for level 2in August or will have to appear in Nov?

  59. Hey, I had registered for CFA Level-1 Feb’21 exams but due to some unavoidable reasons couldn’t schedule my exams. Do I have the option to schedule for march 2021 exams without having to pay for exams fees the second time?

  60. Hi,

    I keep seeing the below comment but it does not make sense since you have to wait at least 6 months or longer between the first exam taken and the next. This means that you can only take it once NOT twice a year. If you fail Level 3 in May 2021 you have to wait to take it the following year in May 2022 or November 2022. So why did they place this comment as if it was an added perk to CBT exams? Is there something I’m misunderstanding?

    “From 2021, Level 2 (May & August) and Level 3 candidates (May and November) have the option to take the exam twice a year.”

    • Hi Danah, that’s an incorrect understanding.

      If you fail Level 3 in May 2021, you CAN retake it in Nov 2021. There is a 6 months minimum gap required between exams, as you said, and the time gap between May and Nov 2021 meets that requirement.

      For more clarity, please check out our CFA Journey Planner to see how your path could work out with the new rules/schedule. Hope this clears the confusion.

  61. Hi,

    I am registered for L1 test on Feb 25 in Toronto, Canada. I know cancellations depend on the region the test is taken, and the government laws in that region. Toronto is currently on full lockdown and might even impose a curfew soon. When would I know of a cancellation in that case?


    • Hi Guy – official notification will be whenever CFA Institute announces it unfortunately. They can’t ‘uncancel’ a test location so I’d assume they would want to be 100% sure before cancelling, which probably means announcements will be later than what candidates would like it to be.

      One thing I’ve been telling candidates is that if you know which is your local test provider (e.g. Prometric) you can ring up the test center and ask.

      We have also reached out to CFA Institute on this as we received many similar questions. CFA Institute responded saying that they will be announcing something later today on exam cycles/schedule as well.

      Hope these help!

  62. Hi I have CFA level one scheduled for February 26 but I have a new job joining on February 01 so I want to reschedule it is it possible at this time?

    • Hi Nick, it is unlikely. Rescheduling is only allowed within the same exam window (i.e. February).

      Deferrals to the next available exam windows (e.g. May) are considered on a case-by-case basis, for more “serious” matters like pregnancy, natural disasters, death in immediate family etc. Worth contacting CFA Institute on this just in case, but chances seem slim, unless your Feb exam itself is postponed (which you won’t know till much later in February).

  63. Has the CFA indicated when registration for L2 November will be posted on their website? It still is not listed :/

  64. I am originally registered for CFA level 1 in Dec but I move the exam date to 1st of March early can I reschedule the days to May as I have recently obtained a full-time job I don’t have a lot of time

    • Hi Naher, it’s best to contact CFA Institute directly on this, as currently they seem to only offer a $25 charge for changing exam dates within the same exam window (i.e. in your case changing dates within the Feb L1 exam window), rather than allowing for a change in exam windows itself. They probably treat it on a case-by-case basis, so CFA Institute will be best to advise on this.

  65. Hi. I am doing level 2 in May, is it possible for me to also weite level 3 now in August or is the earliest possibility to take the exam in November?

  66. Hello, I moved my level 1 exam from december to february a few months ago. I still have not chosen a date in the exam window as it shows no availability still. What does this mean in regards to the 14th of december deadline? Thanks in advance

    • Hi Tamara, if your local test center still has no availability, keep checking until 14 Dec. If you do not secure an appointment for February because there is no capacity in your desired area, you will be eligible to sit for the exam in March at no additional cost. Instructions will be provided when March registration is opened in the next few weeks. Hope this helps!

      • Hi Zee Tan, I did not secure an appointment for February and I also didn’t receive any notification for Exam in March until now. What should I do ???

        • Hi CK, if you didn’t manage to get/book any Feb appointments, it’s too late for that now and you cannot sit for February.

          If you’re eligible for March registration (since you’re registered for Feb but couldn’t get a booking), the March registration option will be shown in your CFA Institute account. You can proceed to book your appointment for March.

  67. Hi- 1. Just curious where you got the info regarding the exam windows for L2 (​L2: 25 May -1 Jun, L2: 31 Aug – 4 Sep)? I don’t see it on the CFAI site. 2. Also – any insight on if we’d be able to change from May to Aug once we sign up? How much would that cost?

    • Hi Mo, 1) CFA Institute’s website has these dates ( Just make sure you scroll down the list. 2) Sorry, at the moment our understanding is that it would be difficult to change exam windows (i.e. from May to Aug). But there is a reduced $25 fee to change exam days WITHIN an exam window (e.g. within May). That said, CFA Institute’s policies have been changing so often this year, it’s hard to keep up. Best to check directly with CFA Institute to get the latest details.

  68. dear sir, I receive access scholarship on 20/11/2020 & it scholarship will expire 30 June 2021. But i have doubt, can i Register Before June 2021 & Apply for exam in Nov 2021

  69. Yeah, if you have mailed them much prior then they should look into it. I hope the reply comes soon. Wish you luck 🙂

  70. Yes, I received the reply stating that they have made the changes in my account and I’ll be able to make the payment for Feb 2021 now. I emailed them last night around 11:30 am and recieved the reply at 5:30 am. When did you email them? I hope the reply comes within today, as it’s the last day to redeem the scholarship.

    • I emailed them yesterday evening but haven’t received any reply yet. Yes, the main concern is today being the last day I am really worried and having my fingers crossed. I hope even if the deadline passes I would be able to register since I have emailed them much before the Nov, 3 deadline.

  71. @Shruti Sonik Thanks a lot Shruti for this help! I have already emailed to and waiting for their reply. Have you received any reply stating that we would be given the option to register for Feb 2021 and how much time did they take to respond? Thanks!

  72. Hi, I was awarded scholarship for level 1 and was going to register for Dec 2020, but I received a mail from CFA institute that I can access my scholarship and opt for Feb 2021 exam before 3rd Nov. I’m trying to pay the fees but it’s showing an error. Did they change the last date to 28th Oct? I did not receive an email regarding this change of date. Could you please advise what should I do in this case?

    • Hi Shruti, I am facing an exact similar problem as yours. I am unable to use my Scholarship and register for Feb 2021 CFA L1 exam. I tried registering from 2 Nov but it’s not working. Also, have you received any clarification or help from CFA Institute regarding this?

      • Hi Saurabh, Please send an e-mail to the cfa institute contact id. And tell them the same thing. They will make changes in your account and will make the option of feb 2021 available. Then you will be able to make the payment. They are doing it for the ones who are contacting them. Because our scholarship is valid till 3rd Nov. They will help us out.

  73. It seems that the Feb 21 L1 registration deadline has now already passed according to the CFA website (Oct 28) rather than being the original Nov 3 or the postponed date shown above. Do you happen to know what happened here?

    • Hi Sarah, you’re right. It seemed that CFA Institute changed the final reg date for Feb21 exams 2 days ago without any prior notice! I would suggest contacting them via email ( or phone to discuss about this, as I’d imagine many candidates planned to register before the usual deadline as well and got stuck. I have also reached out to CFA Institute to check on this, will revert here once I hear back.

      • Hi Sarah, I’ve heard back from CFA Institute on this matter. They unfortunately had to close Feb21 registration early as it was an extremely popular deferral option for Dec20 candidates, in order to prioritize existing candidates. So new Level I candidates can now only register for May, August and November 2021.

  74. I have registered for CFA L1 exam for May 2021. Now while scheduling the exam, I am not able to find any test centers in India? Has the scheduling started and if not when it will start ?

    • Hi Shubham, scheduling has started for May21 since 20th Aug 2020. CFA Institute have stated that they are actively working to add capacity to 2021 exam locations. So, if you don’t see available appointments in your desired exam location, you’ll need to continue checking back through the scheduling function for availability to be added in the coming days. As you can imagine, things are probably chaotic right now for them in terms of exam logistics….

      • Yes, i can understand that.but , So, now since I have registered, I am very afraid if I would not be able to register for the test centers, then what will happen since I’ve already paid the fees ?How can I assure that I will get the test center?

        • A valid question, but I suspect you have to contact CFA Institute about that. I would make sure that I check the scheduling function daily, and you still have time till 10 March 2021 anyway. Feel free to contact CFA Institute about this. I suspect CFA Institute is having logistics issues dealing with Dec20 exams, so things should speed up after that. Just keep checking and they will definitely increase capacity in the coming weeks and months to accommodate everyone who was postponed as well.

  75. Hello, I have paid the standard registration for the CFA exam in December but I will have to postpone to May 2021. Will the CFA refund the difference between the standard and early registration ? Many thanks

  76. Hi, i registerd for May 2021 level 1 CFA exam, now when scheduling it I see no availability in India. should i have to wait or withdrew and reregister for August??

  77. Hi, If I sit Level 2 in May 2021, can I register for November Level 3 in 2021. It is a bit blurry here, since both L2 and L3 in 2020 take place in May… Thanks a lot!

  78. Helo, I am about to register for L2 in May2021 but first I would like to apply to regulator scholarship which I see its not availabe yet. Do you know when the registrations will be open or am I already late?

    • Hi Sanjur, regulator scholarships are slightly different in that they are awarded by CFA Institute to eligible organizations, not to individuals directly. These organizations are then responsible for nominating employees to receive the scholarship. So you’ll need to email CFAI at with the name of your organization, country of headquarters, and a link to the company website. CFAI will then check and let you know if your organization already participates in the regulatory scholarship program and the relevant contact person. If yes, then great, you can start the application process internally. If not, CFAI will request contact info from you to convince your firm to sign up for this.

  79. Hi, I am a L2 candidate- for me it is not showing December Exam (Paper based) as an option to register — it shows May 2021 (Computer based ) and August 2021– but I remember reading it somewhere candidates will have an option to give December paper based exam– I just wanted to validate if there is an option to appear for December Paper based L2 exam if one has not registered for June 2020 L2 exam — or we have only May 2021 option

    • Hi Gunjan, unfortunately the deadline to register for L2 Dec20 exam has just passed on 19 August. If you haven’t registered for anything yet, your only options for L2 are now May21 or Aug21 computer-based exams.

  80. If i was originally registered for Dec 20 & reschedule to Feb 21 before Oct 20 will i be alloted the same centre?

  81. Hey, I wonder if the student scholarship for the February 2021 exam has open for registration? As the early bird registration deadline for February exam will be tomorrow, I am worry that I would miss the early bird registration fee if I register for the student scholarship after tomorrow and are not award with the scholarship.

    • Hi Christina, first of, have you logged in to the CFA Institute portal account to check if you can apply for Feb 2021’s student scholarships? Otherwise it is worth emailing for more details on this, given the transition to CBT and exam frequency changes. Normally, students who want to apply for student scholarships should not register before the scholarship decision is made. This is because students who applied but were not selected to receive a scholarship will receive the early registration price regardless of the time of their scholarship application submission. That is, if you submit a scholarship application at any time during the application window but are not selected for a scholarship, you will still receive the early registration price. Given the CFA Institute’s website hasn’t announced when Feb 2021’s student scholarship is available, it is worth emailing them to ask.

  82. I have registered for L1 exams in Dec 20 What is the last date for rescheduling to Feb 21 & if i clear in Dec will August be available for L2

    • Hi Hari, the final registration date for Feb21 L1 is 3 Nov 2020. However, if you’re already registered for Dec20: Sign in to your account, go to the CFA Program tile and follow the instructions under Manage Your Exam to Withdraw from Exam. Then, you may re-register for your choice of future exam date with no additional fees. You must complete this process before 21 October. If you clear in Dec20 L1, you can go for either May or Aug 2021 Level 2.

      • Hi there, I had registered for the Dec Level 1 exam, and due to circumstances and the e-mails that went out from CFA giving us the option to opt out of the December exam and re-register for a 2021 date, I followed the instructions for the withdrawal. However, when I select a future date (Feb 2021), it asks me to pay the full enrolment fee at checkout, when I was under the impression I would be able to re-register at no additional cost as per instructions provided. Do you know if it takes some time before I’m able to re-register without having to pay the full amount once again, considering I was not offered any refund? Thanks so much! Paula

        • Hi Paula, you are right that you should not be asked for additional fees to defer from Dec20 exam to any 2021 CBT exams, as it is still before the 20th Oct deadline. It is best to contact CFA Institute about this, and while waiting, try it again in a few days time to see if the withdrawal has been effected and therefore the no fee rule applies. It may be a system issue on their end given the amount of enquiries they have!

  83. I am a CFA L1 candidate regd for Dec 20 So if Dec 20 exam gets cancelled is it available for me to shift to Feb 21

    • Hi Hari, this is a tricky one. We think it depends on test location and seat availability really. According to CFA Institute, in such situation, they would allow you to switch test centers all the way up to exam day. But, they have to have an open seat at the center that you want to switch to. Your exam is assumed to be going ahead until it is a ‘no’ when your local government says so. So if your exam gets cancelled locally, your first option may be to switch to nearby test centers (if spaces are available to book and you can travel there). If not, you will get postponed to future exam cycles I’m afraid. This is the unfortunate uncertainty we are facing with COVID-19, so if you choose to go for the Dec20exam, it is worthwhile staying updated with your local government’s guidance and the coronavirus situation where you live, and have a think of alternative nearby test centers you can go to at a short notice now, so you’re prepared to act/book quickly if it gets cancelled.

  84. Hello, First, I would like to thank you for this post and all the information provided to us, candidates. I’m a candidate CFA Level I and before all these changes due to COVID-19 and computer based-test, I was planning to do the exam on December, 2020 and to apply straight ahead to Level II on June, 2021. Now, I guess the options that remain are: 1) to stick with Level I on December, 2020 and do the Level II exam on May, 2021 or August 2021 (even Level III would be possible on November 2021 if I do Level II on May). This option would be quite a sprint into a CFA marathon, but at least if we succeed, we would be a charter holder in less than a year. 2) Due to lack of preparation, I’m considering to do Level I on February, 2021 and, then, the only option would be to do Level II on August, 2021 or who knows when in 2022. Is that correct? Let me know if you agree with me. Also, from my understanding after reading other comments. I have to receive a positive result (approved) in order to apply for the next CFA levels and to take into account that the results are usually released two months after the exam day. Thanks! Eduardo

    • Hi Eduardo You’re welcome! Yes, your understanding of your options is correct. It’s not clear how quickly results will be released under CBT, but it’s assumed it should be less than before, if not the same. You do have to make the decision to study for the next level before receiving your pass/fail result, which as you pointed out correctly, could mean the difference between having 6 months study time, or just 4 months study time.

  85. What if I’m giving level 1 in December and the results will be out after two months but I wish to pay early registration fees for level 2 then what should I do in this case?

    • Hi Monika, it depends. Are you an original June 2020 Level 1 candidate? Or a new candidate choosing to register for Level 1 December 2020? “Normal” Dec Level 1 candidates (who were NOT postponed from June 2020 due to COVID-19) are not able to meet the early registration deadline normally anyway, but you can meet the standard registration deadline. At the moment, this policy has not changed. For postponed June 2020 Level1 candidates however, there may be a chance that CFA Institute may do something about this (to make it equal to as if they took it in June 2020 and are able to get the early registration deadline rate), but CFA Institute have not confirmed anything as such at the moment. Some of this has been discussed here too: Hope this helps!

  86. I am CFA Candidate Level 2 registered for June 2020 exams, but due to Covid -19 exams got postponed. So if I pass the CFA Level 2 exam on december 5, 2020: Have I got to pay extra fees, due to the fact I will get my grade on february 2021, despite it is not my responsibility? PS: I use to apply before first dealine (Now:USD 700)

  87. I registered for June 2020 exams. Due to Covid -19 exams got postponed. So if I select Feb 2021 for my exam date now do I neef to pay extra fees?

  88. if i awarded the access scholarship by 1 december can i able to register for february intake for level1?

    • Hi Tinashe, unfortunately the Feb 2021 Level 1 exam’s final registration deadline is on 3 Nov 2020, so the deadline would have passed by 1st December. However, you can register for May’s Level 1 exam for sure, but there are no details of the schedule/deadlines for that as yet.

  89. Hi Team, I am a Level 1 passed candidate. I have not registered for the June Level – 2 exam yet. Could there be a possibility to register for the December Level 2 exam? Or I need to wait till next year for Level 2? Regards.

  90. Have a query. I have registered for CFA June 2020 L1. Actually I am also pursuing other courses, the exams of which are scheduled in May. Due to current coronavirus pandemic situation, there is a high possibility of my exams in May getting postponed to June. They may clash with my CFA exams. Is there an option to shift from June 2020 to December 2020 attempt without any additional fees? And is there a deadline for the same?

    • Ordinarily, there is no chance of a deferral. CFA Institute however does say that they will consider deferrals under ‘specific circumstances’, which this will definitely qualify for. CFA Institute may also announce something about the CFA exams in response to the coronavirus pandemic, so you may end up not having a clash after all, or being able to reschedule. Personally, I would wait until the end of March or so and see if there are any announcements from CFA Institute and/or confirmation from your other courses, then reach out to CFA Institute with your situation and ask for a deferral under the exceptional circumstances.

  91. Hi. Do you know when registration for the December 2020 exam will commence. It is currently unavailable and I’m interested in the early registration option.

  92. Hi , I am going to take level 1 exam next year June, if i finished level 1 exam and passed it , i wonder if i can take one year or two years break before taking level 2? and does it apply to level 3 too? thanks

    • Yes, that’s completely fine. One of our writers, Marc, waited a few years before completing Level 3. However if possible we think it’s better to build on the momentum and try to complete all three levels in a row.

      • What if I’m giving level 1 in December and the results will be out after two months but I wish to pay early registration fees for level 2 then what should I do in this case?

  93. Hey, The scholarship that the institute provides, is awarded by December, so if I am not awarded the scholarship, will I have to pay the second deadline amount or the first deadline amount ? Thanks 🙂

  94. Is the 300 dollar saving by signing up early for June 2020 Lvl 2 exam worth the risk of not knowing yet if you have passed the December 2019 Lvl 1 exam?


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