300Hours: Finance Certifications Hub for CFA, FRM & CAIA

cfa level 2 tips

CFA Level 2 Tips: Top Advice From Previous Candidates

3 Jun 2024

CFA, CFA Level 2

Congrats on passing Level 1, and welcome to CFA Level 2! Unfortunately, the CFA Level 2 exam is a different beast, with a reputation to be the most challenging exam with the most material to cover. Many candidates failed at this hurdle given the step up in difficulty that is unknown upfront. That’s why we are here: just like our Level 1 tips, here are the top 10 CFA Level 2 tips – a set of golden rules distilled from thousands of experienced candidates and ...


How to Evaluate a Job Offer: Our Top Checklist

2 Jun 2024

Career Advice

After a long and hard job search, you’ve gotten yourself a job offer. Congrats! But how do you know if it’s a good one? It's crucial to know how to evaluate a job offer ...

video interview meeting call

15 Video Interview Tips: Your Checklist for Success

1 Jun 2024

Career Advice

Whether you’re applying for an entry level financial position or looking to move into a more senior role, after passing an initial phone interview, you may be offered a video interview instead of ...

resume tips and tricks

CV Writing: 11 Top Resume Tips and Tricks You Must Know

31 May 2024

Career Advice

Your resume is one of the first things a potential recruiter sees in the hiring process. And first impressions do matter, especially when it comes to convincing them to invite you for an ...

how to change careers

6 Clear Steps on How to Change Careers Successfully

30 May 2024

Career Advice

The pandemic has prompted a career rethink for many of us, with 60% of UK workers planning a career change. As we see in our forum discussions, there’s a diverse set of people from various ...

is an mba worth it

Is An MBA Worth It? Find Out With Our Free Tool

29 May 2024

Career Advice

We talked about CFA vs MBA previously, but this is more fundamental. "Is an MBA worth it" is one of those classic questions that always end up with “it depends”.  I do get why lots of ...

study cfa habits

Decided to Study CFA? 7 Effective Habits You Need

28 May 2024

Study Motivation

OK so you've checked out the CFA Program and decided it may be beneficial for your career. Years ago when I first took CFA Level 1, there were lots of trial and error to find ...