300Hours: Finance Certifications Hub for CFA, FRM & CAIA

is an mba worth it

Is An MBA Worth It? Find Out With Our Free Tool

29 May 2024

Career Advice

We talked about CFA vs MBA previously, but this is more fundamental. "Is an MBA worth it" is one of those classic questions that always end up with “it depends”.  I do get why lots of people say "it depends", as the question is so broad and cannot be generalized for each person's individual circumstances. But what should you consider? Wouldn't it be great if you could take a self-assessment to figure out whether an MBA is the right path, specifically for you? That's ...

How Is The CFA Exam Graded? We explain the CFA grading system

The Complete CFA Grading Process, Explained

27 May 2024

CFA, Exam Day & Results

Have you ever wondered how is the CFA exam graded? A while ago I actually researched and considered applying to be a CFA exam grader. Although I ultimately decided not to apply, I learned ...

what is cfa good for

What Is CFA Good For? A Quick Look at Job Roles & Sectors

26 May 2024

CFA, Career Advice, CFA Level 1

What is CFA good for, exactly? Somewhere along the way, in the haze of studying, you may wonder whether the CFA journey is worthwhile, or why you even took it in the first place.  It’s not surprising that ...

applying for jobs

Does CFA Help? Maybe, But It’s Not a Golden Ticket to Jobs

25 May 2024

CFA, Career Advice, CFA Level 1, CFA Level 2, CFA Level 3

The CFA charter is a great career enhancer in the right industries, and when utilized to its full potential. Although it is challenging to attain, if you are well prepared with a good study ...

cfa study material shortlist

3 Proven Methods On How To Study Effectively For Exams

24 May 2024

Study Motivation, CFA, How To Study

How to study for the CFA exams (or any other finance exams for that matter)? Have you ever wondered if your current study methods are effective for passing your exams? A comprehensive study called “Improving Students’ ...

ambient sound apps

7 Ambient Sound Apps to Increase Your Study Focus

23 May 2024

CFA, How To Study, Study Motivation

In general, the right type of study music does help improve study focus. While there are many genres of study music out there, there’s another often overlooked, but scientifically proven tool that can ...

how to sleep better

How to Sleep Better: 12 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Sleep Now

22 May 2024

Study Motivation

We spend roughly a third of our lives sleeping. We all know being sleep deprived is detrimental to our mood, state-of-mind and productivity. Yet we are not really taught how to sleep better ...