300Hours: Finance Certifications Hub for CFA, FRM & CAIA

desk stretches

13 Easy Desk Stretches To Do For Better Posture

20 May 2024

Study Motivation, Study Break

Juggling work, life and studying for exams is pretty tough, especially if you have a young family. It can feel near impossible to make time to look after yourself when you're trying to 'do it all', which can lead to exam burn out. Despite sleeping enough and eating right, I remember finding the constant routine of sitting down and studying for 12 hours stretch on weekends extremely difficult at times. Heck, I already do that on weekdays at the office! So ...

sleeping on bed analysis

Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms, Effects & How To Cure It

19 May 2024

Study Motivation

Sleep is so crucial to our overall wellbeing, yet most of us don't get enough of it. When balancing exam preparation with a full-time job, it’s tempting to cut on sleep hours in a ...

hedge fund career path

Hedge Fund Career Path: Roles, Salaries & Progression

18 May 2024

Career Advice

With a reputation for offering some of the best salaries in the financial sector, a hedge fund career is one that’s coveted by many professionals. With opportunities for progression, that’s often a little ...

certificate in climate and investing CFA UK

Certificate in Climate and Investing (CCI): A Complete Guide

17 May 2024


A recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has highlighted the urgent need to achieve net zero carbon dioxide emissions globally by 2050 to avoid a catastrophic climate change. This, amongst ...

cfa uk esg investing certificate beginner s guide orig

CFA ESG Certificate: Our Easy Guide

16 May 2024


The recent pandemic has brought ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues to the forefront of everyone’s minds. ESG matters. And investors and companies around the world are reacting fast to this current situation, pointing ...

CFA Level 1 Commandments Tips Advice CFA candidates

CFA Level 1 Tips: Top Advice From Previous Candidates

15 May 2024

CFA, How To Study

So you’ve finally registered for the CFA exams as a Level 1 candidate. Welcome! Facing the first challenge of your CFA journey can be overwhelming. But you are not alone, because we are here to guide you ...

how to pass cfa level 1 in 2 weeks

How To Pass CFA Level 1 In 2 Weeks: My Crazy Story

14 May 2024

CFA, How To Study

Editor’s note: This is a personal story shared as an anecdote. You should definitely NOT look to this example for your own CFA preparation approach (unless desperate)! Hi, I'm Scott, and a few years ...