300Hours: Finance Certifications Hub for CFA, FRM & CAIA

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Why Is The CFA Pass Rate So Low & the MPS So High?

31 Oct 2023

CFA, Exam Day & Results

Since COVID, the CFA pass rate has taken a plunge. Our CFA minimum passing score (MPS) estimates have also indicated an uptick in the MPS. Naturally, candidates are not sure what to make of the changes. Mainly, why is the CFA pass rate so low now? Is the exam actually harder or easier? Should candidates be studying harder? Read on to find out what CFA Institute has said about the CFA low pass rate, and our advice on how best to ...

cfa level 1 economics cheat sheet

CFA Level 1 Economics: Our Cheat Sheet

15 Oct 2023

CFA, CFA Level 1

Note: this cheat sheet is updated for the latest 2023's curriculum. Regardless whether you've a background in finance or economics, Economics is a central topic across all 3 levels of the CFA exams that ...

investment data computer

CFA Level 1 Equity Investments: Our Cheat Sheet

15 Oct 2023

CFA, CFA Level 1

Note: this cheat sheet is updated for the latest 2023’s curriculum. If you're following our recommended Level 1 topic study order: after going through Quant, FRA and Fixed Income, CFA Level 1 Equity Investments ...

cfa level 1 fixed income cheat sheet

CFA Level 1 Fixed Income: Our Cheat Sheet

8 Oct 2023

CFA, CFA Level 1

Note: this cheat sheet is updated for the latest 2023’s curriculum. Fixed Income is a central topic in finance, and it increases in importance (topic weight wise) as you advance to CFA Level 3. ...

cfa level 1 corporate finance cheat sheet

CFA Level 1 Corporate Issuers: Our Cheat Sheet

8 Oct 2023

CFA, CFA Level 1

Note: this cheat sheet is updated for the latest 2023’s curriculum. Since 2022, Corporate Finance has been renamed as Corporate Issuers with a major revision on the topic. Although a relatively small topic weight, CFA ...

cfa level 1 fra

CFA Level 1 FRA: Our Cheat Sheet

5 Oct 2023

CFA, CFA Level 1

Note: this cheat sheet is updated for the latest 2023’s curriculum. Ah, I remember the days where I looked at the sheer volume of formulae and concepts in CFA Level 1 FRA (Financial Reporting ...

advisor discussion meeting

CFA Level 1 Portfolio Management: Our Cheat Sheet

31 Aug 2023

CFA, CFA Level 1

Note: this cheat sheet is updated for the latest 2023’s curriculum. It is probably no surprise that portfolio management is the most popular career current CFA candidates are interested in exploring further. Portfolio management is ...