Get Your Free, Customized CAIA Study Planner Now


“Love the (study planner), it’s been instrumental in my exam prep… You’re genuinely a life saver!”

Tom Flavahan

“My first stop (after registering for the CAIA exams) was reading articles on your website and downloading the planner.”

Lydia Reeves: used planner for all CFA levels (and now CAIA!)

CAIA candidates often ask us on how best to make their CAIA study plan to keep them on track. Or whether they can finish studying the CAIA curriculum in a set number of months.

The ‘problem’ with these questions is that each individual should have their own optimal plan that suits their circumstances – there is no one-size-fits-all. 

Since we get these questions frequently, we have adapted our famous CFA study planner – used by more than 50,000 candidates successfully – to become a CAIA study planner too!

Our free, personalized CAIA study planner will help you:

  • Track all your study efforts
  • Map the curriculum you’ve covered, identify weak spots and auto-prioritize
  • Benchmark your mock scores against historical candidate data
  • Predict your CAIA exam score

Let’s go!

What makes the best CAIA study planner?

what makes a good study planner

We built our CAIA study planner with two guiding principles:

  • Low input required: We want you to focus on studying, not playing around with study data. Our study planner is ready to use right out of the box. Input as much or as little as you want, it makes the most of the study data you give it.
  • Focus on passing: The study planner’s main function is to help you pass. Every aspect of its interface is to help you focus on the areas that matter, or incentivize you to perform better or work harder. This means our focus areas will prioritize topics that can gain you the most points, and we built in a lot of features to give you an idea of how your exam performance would be.

Minimal input with maximum pass chances. Nothing else matters.

Generate your own free CAIA study planner

free caia study planner

More than 100,000 readers have successfully used our planner. You can generate your own in less than a minute. 

We will create a personalized CAIA study planner for you with 3 core features:

  • PLAN: Shows you whether you’re on-track with your CAIA exam studies and all important dates
  • PROGRESS: Show you where are the topics you should be focusing your time on, taking into account in the amount of reading and actual exam weightings to really show you the most efficient topics to be addressing
  • PERFORM: Benchmarks your mock exam scores to show you if your scores need improving to ensure a pass​

​PLAN: Master your study hours and never fall behind

With our online planner, you can check your study progress at any time, and see if you’re on track to complete all your studies before your CAIA exam day. 

The planner also monitors the remaining days left to your exam with your study plan and progress, alerting you if you are falling behind.

caia study planner plan feature 1

​It also charts your study hours, showing your progress against past periods.​

caia study planner - plan feature 2

PROGRESS: Know what you’ve covered, and focus on what’s important

Know exactly how much you’ve covered

caia study planner - progress feature 1

Our study planner prioritizes exam performance – exam weighting is built into every assessment. Throughout your studies you will have a progress % showing how much of the exam you’ve covered, and how far ahead – or behind – you are.

Focus on your important topics

caia study planner - progress feature 2

The planner also considers exam weights, difficulty and progress to highlight topics that you should prioritize.

Helps you stay disciplined

As you progress through your studies, reviewing topics and completing mock exams, marking your progress as ‘done’ in the planner actually contributes towards your sense of achievement and helps you maintain a more disciplined approach to your CAIA exam studies.

caia study planner - topic progress check

PERFORM: Benchmark your mocks. Predict your CAIA exam performance

We predict…you’ll pass your CAIA exams.

Combining past candidate performance data and your study data, we can even attempt to predict your CAIA exam performance.

Of course, this is just a prediction, and not a guarantee!

caia study planner - perform feature 1

Auto-benchmarked against past candidates

As you enter your mock exam scores, these are auto-benchmarked to show you if you are scoring well against historical candidates performance.

We have past candidates’ actual CAIA results, so we can create a reliable benchmark to show you if you’re trending towards a pass, or you need to step it up.

This better informs you if your scores need improving, and helps reassure you if your scores are on a good trend.

caia study planner - mock summary

Fill in this form, get your personalized CAIA study planner now!

What do you think? I hope you found this simple framework useful for your study planning, and that you now have your online planner to use. Share this with a friend who just registered for CAIA too!

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