A Free Customizable CFP Study Planner


I’ve been hoping Zee would build this! I’ve used their planner for all 3 CFA levels and starting CFP now, so this is perfect timing!

Claire Thorne, CFA charterholder and CFP candidate

“My first stop (after exam registration) was reading articles on your website and downloading the planner.”

Lydia Reeves: used planner for all CFA and CAIA levels

So you’re considering, or already prepping for the CFP exams.

A couple of questions may pop into mind:

  • Do I need additional prep materials? (Pstt, check out our best CFP courses shortlist and Offers section for reviews and exclusive discounts)
  • How do I plan my studies? Can I complete studying for CFP exams in X months?

The ‘problem’ with this question is that each individual should have their own optimal plan that suits their circumstances – there is no one-size-fits-all. This is where our killer CFP study planner tool come in 🙂

Our personalized CFP study planner will help you:

  • Predict your CFP exam score
  • Benchmark your mock scores against historical candidate data
  • Track all your study efforts
  • Map the curriculum you’ve covered, identify weak spots and auto-prioritize

Our CFP exam study planner builds from our highly-successful CFA study planner, bringing the same proven principles to help you ace your CFP exams.

What makes the best CFP study planner?

What is the Ideal Study Planner? Showing the 300Hours Study Planner dashboard

I have discussed this framework more informally in this article about balancing exam studies and work, but I hope this guide will give you a concrete method to come up with a tailor-made plan.  

Our CFP study planner optimizes your approach with two guiding principles:

  • Low input needed: We want you to focus on studying, not play around with study data and get lost in metrics. This means our study planner is ready to use right out of the box. Input as much or as little as you want – it will make the most of the study data you give it.
  • Focus on passing: This study planner is engineered to maximize your chances of exam success. It strategically guides your focus to high-value topics, motivates consistent effort, and provides realistic performance predictions, ensuring you’re fully prepared to pass.

Minimal work needed, maximize pass chances. Nothing else matters.

Generate your own free CFP study planner

More than 100,000 readers have successfully used our planner. You can generate your own in less than a minute. 

We will create a personalized CFP study planner for you with 3 core features:

  • PLAN: Shows you whether you’re on-track with your CFP exam studies and all important dates
  • PROGRESS: Show you which topics you should be focusing on, factoring in the amount of reading and actual exam weightings to really show you the most efficient topics to be addressing
  • PERFORM: Benchmarks your mock exam scores to show you if your scores need improving to ensure a pass​

​PLAN: Master your study hours and never fall behind

CFP Study Planner: Showing the Plan section of the study planner dashboard

With our online planner, you get instant visibility into your CFP study progress. See how you’re tracking against your plan and the remaining time until your exam.

The dashboard alerts warn you if you’re falling behind, giving you the chance to adjust and compensate.

CFP Study Planner - dashboard showing days left to CFP exam and total hours studied so far

​It also tracks your study hours, showing your progress against past periods.​

CFP Study Planner: Dashboard showing Weekly Study Hours, Hours planned per week, total planned hours, and study hours logged

PROGRESS: Know what you’ve covered, and focus on what’s important

CFP Study Planner - showing the Progress portion of the study planner dashboard

Know exactly how much you’ve covered

Stay on track for your CFP exam with our planner. Exam weighting is baked into every assessment, so you know where to focus. The dashboard displays your progress percentage, making it super-easy to track if you’re ahead or behind, allowing for immediate adjustments.

CFP study plan: Track Your progress showing the number of readings read, number of readings reviewed and percentage of curriculum covered, and whether you're behind or ahead of schedule

Focus on your important topics

To highlight key topics you should be focusing on, the planner prioritizes your studies based on exam weights, difficulty, and progress, showing you exactly where to focus.

CFP Study Planner - section of the 300Hours study planner dashboard showing all readings for the CFP exam

Helps you stay disciplined

Marking your completed reviews and mock exams as ‘done’ in the planner isn’t just a task – it’s a powerful motivator. Witnessing your progress visually fuels your sense of achievement and reinforces a disciplined study routine, keeping you on track for CFP exam success.

CFP Study Planner - showing the Readings tab where students can check off progress, mark their Mastery level and any notes they have

PERFORM: Benchmark your mocks. Predict your CFP exam performance

CFP Study Planner - section of the 300Hours study planner showing tracking of mock exam performance, and prediction of your eventual actual exam score.

We predict…you’ll pass your CFP exams.

Combining past candidate performance data and your study data, the planner can also give you a prediction of your CFP exam performance.

Of course, this is just a prediction, and not a guarantee!

CFP Study Planner - section of the 300Hours study planner showing the numbe rof mocks completed, improvement per mock, average score of last 3 mocks, and predicted score if CFP exam was taken today

Auto-benchmarked against past candidates

Your planner automatically benchmarks your mock exam scores against real results from past candidates, providing an exceptionally reliable measure of your progress.

See if you’re on track to pass or need to intensify your efforts, and receive clear feedback to guide your preparation.

CFP Study Planner: section of the 300Hours study planner showing the mocks taken so far and scores.

Fill in this form, get your personalized CFP study planner now!

I hope you found this simple framework useful for your study planning, and that you now have your online planner to use. Share this with a friend who is revising for the CFP exams too!

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