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300Hours: Finance Certifications Hub for CFA, FRM & CAIA

should you postpone your december 2020 cfa exam title orig

Dec20 vs 2021 CFA Exams: Should You Postpone?

9 Aug 2020


Last week, CFA Institute ripped up the rulebook once again, announcing that CFA Level 2 and Level 3 will transition to computer-based exams in 2021, effectively cancelling the paper-based Jun21 exams and making Dec20 the last paper-based exam. Registration for the Dec20 CFA exams close very soon - 19th August, as a matter of fact. So should you plan to take the exam in December 2020, or push your plans to 2021? To give you guidance on which should be your next ...

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CFA December 2020: Will It Get Postponed Again?

2 Aug 2020


The CFA exams were postponed in June 2020. But given that the pandemic is still making its rounds, could the CFA exams be postponed again, or even cancelled? Read on to find out! Be alerted ...

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CFA Exam Postponed: All the Latest Info and FAQs

12 Apr 2020


CFA Institute announced a few weeks ago that they are postponing the June 2020 CFA exams to the next two available dates: December 2020 and June 2021. Since the announcement a lot more details ...

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CFA Exams Coronavirus Updates: How COVID-19 Can Affect Candidates

20 Mar 2020


By Christine Martinez Update 19 Mar 2020: The CFA June 2020 exams has been postponed to later dates. You can read our detailed update here. You've got enough stress with the CFA exams already - then ...

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Master CFA Essays and Item-Sets with Kaplan Schweser’s Workshops

30 Jan 2020


Besides understanding the CFA curriculum, we've stressed time and again how important it is to understand the actual format of the CFA exam to stand a chance of passing. This becomes even more important ...


Bloomberg Level I CFA Exam Prep: A Smarter Approach to Study for the Digital Age

27 Jan 2020


Most of you may know Bloomberg for their financial data software, terminals and colourful keyboards at work. Today, Bloomberg is extending their brand into the CFA exam preparation market with a new online learning ...

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Fitch Learning Launches Cognition, Your Personalised All-In-One CFA Exam Coach

23 Jan 2020


Sponsored If you can afford it, classroom training is pretty awesome for a number of reasons: it figures out what you need to be learning, and when you need to be learning it experiencing someone ...