CFA CFA General Working on a tablet ?! Stalla ?

Working on a tablet ?! Stalla ?

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      hey guys,
      I just enrolled to the 2014 June Exam for CFA Level 1. As i’m travelling a lot and do not want to carry all those books, has anyone already tried working on a tablet ? Is the work as useful and successful than on physical books? I heard there was a good app called ‘STALLA’ (which apparently has been bought by Schweser).

      Can anyone advise?

      Thanks for your kind replies


    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder

        Hey @droopy

        Stalla used to be a competing provider and was bought by Kaplan Schweser and relaunched as a digital/mobile CFA provider. This is their first year, so can’t comment yet, but based on Schweser and Stalla being the two leading providers pre-acquisition, I’d say they should be a solid one.

        You can download a free preview to try it out anyway here:

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