CFA CFA General Bring back the Kaplan Schweser study calendar

Bring back the Kaplan Schweser study calendar

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    • Avatar of istudyistudy
        • CFA Level 3

        I’m new to the 300 hours forum, but not new to the CFA Program. I have used the Kaplan study tools over the last 3 years for the series 7, series 66 and the first two levels of the CFA. By and large their product is great and has been extremely helpful. Their online platform was uniform across all certifications and easy to use.

        I started studying for level 3 this week. To my surprise they scrapped their old platform and created a new one. Just like most “improvements” they basically took the old system and expanded it to require more clicks to do the same tasks.

        The big issue I have, and purpose of this post, is that they eliminated the study calendar. This calendar was essential to my studies. It enabled you to enter your start and end dates and adjust for time off (vacations). It was great at spacing out study tasks and seemed to take into consideration difficulty of each topic. It never failed me.

        I didn’t realize how important it was to my process until it was gone. Now that this is not available, I’m not sure how I’ll keep on track over the next 6 months. I called Kaplan and got mixed feedback. One person told me that they have received a lot of negative feedback and that they were planning on bringing it back. Another told me that there was no chance of it coming back and suggested a third party tool to create my own calendar. That’s not acceptable in my book.

        If you feel that you are going to have the same problem, please call Kaplan Schweser and ask that they bring this functionality back (608-779-8327, option 1). If you call, please comment in this and let us know what feedback you received.

        Otherwise, what tools have you used to guilt yourself in to keeping pace?

        Vive la résistance!

      • Avatar of dollfacedollface
          • CFA Level 2

          I can recommend the 300hours planner – used it last year and just created a new one for this year. Thanks @christine for all the tools and tips!

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          Hi @istudy – I realise it’s not the same thing, but we offer a free study calendar / planner that you can use organise your CFA studies. You can generate one here:

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