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  • Avatar of Corty_OCorty_O
      • Undecided

      Thanks, Christine – I’ll keep that in mind 🙂

      Avatar of Corty_OCorty_O
        • Undecided

        Hi there,
        I’m reading the article(s) with high interest, very useful to me, thank you.
        So I want to contribute by giving you an unusual background, and ask for an advie at the same time.
        I’m a non-finance and work as a teacher (languages) in public schools in Germany.
        I’m thinking about preparing for the Level 1 CFA exam, since I seek to switch into finance / investmentt banking / consulting.
        Why leave that secure area for an uncertain future in a finance-related job? one might ask.
        Because as a teacher, I miss getting regularly new input and challenges. And it’s not remunerated by performance. And because I caught interest for finance / stocks / trading only 1-2 years ago, when already on the job as a teacher for 3 y. When I say fire, I do because it still feels like this – f.e. I litterally enjoy studying the Schweser books or recapitulating economic formula, and I see this as the best indicator for me, that I’m on the right way.

        Thus, I’ve come across the CFA option, and I considered the following main benefits from it:

        a) It would be a good way to get a deep level of understanding finances (don’t have the time for an MBA while working, and don’t want to pay that much)

        b) when Level 1 passed – it would be an element on my CV, that shows my will & effort to switch the job as well as my burning interest for the topic (as a non-finance in the first place)

        c) it is widely reputated

        Some of your articles here confirmed my opion that the success to enter the finance area (be it from just another discipline or as a non-finance) depends also on other skills and steps (language, communications skills, work experience in general, hands-on mentality etc.)

        So I would be thankful for your opinions on how much a CFA (let’s say, Level 1) would help me switch to finance area (and what disciplines mainly), or about what other steps / professional skills would be useful.

        Thank you for a comment,

        Corty O.
        Berlin, Germany

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