Student Lounge Taking the CFA Level III in US, DC or New York?

Taking the CFA Level III in US, DC or New York?

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      Hello, I live in Lima, Peru. I am planning to visit US next year and take CFA level III exam there. I would like to visit Washington DC and New York. Does anyone have a recommendation of which of those places is better to take the exam? If anyone took the exam in those places please could tell about the location of the test center. It was near to the center? How many km? What about the facilities?

      If you plan to visit Peru and want some information, just tell me!



    • Up

      Hello, I live in Lima, Peru. I am planning to visit US next year and take CFA level III exam there. I would like to visit Washington DC and New York. Does anyone have a recommendation of which of those places is better to take the exam? If someone took the exam in those places please could tell about the location of the test center. It was near to the center? How many km? What about the facilities?

      If you plan to visit Peru and want some information, just tell me!



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