Student Lounge If God was A Banker – Ravi Subramanian

If God was A Banker – Ravi Subramanian

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      Recommended by @imdnextbuffet

      Two young management graduates, with nothing similar in family backgrounds and temperament, join the New York International Bank on the same day and take two entirely different routes to success.

      Both rise up the ranks at breakneck speed: the fast and aggressive Sundeep, who will stoop to anything to get ahead, and the mature and sensible Swami, with a high regard for good old ethics. The racy narrative set in the high-pressure milieu of competitive banking carries the undercurrent of a clash of values, in the intermeshed realms of the personal and the professional.

      This is a story peppered with ambition and frustration, deceit and malevolence, love and lust, and the desperate struggle for status and power. And, above all, there is a top-notch banker who plays the benevolent God whenever crises loom over the young guns.

      An insider’s fictionalised account of how Indian professionals experience the world of foreign banks, the story spans three continents.

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      @diya you got the Dan A book then?

    • Avatar of SnippySnippy
        • CFA Level 2

        It’s alright @imdnextbuffet. I’ll find it elsewhere 🙂

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        @imdnexbuffet please send my way. I’ll give it a look after the exam.

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        @imdnexbuffet please send my way. I’ll give it a look after the exam.

        Id pls

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        @jimmyg Dan A book?

      • Avatar of SnippySnippy
          • CFA Level 2

          @imdnextbuffet Can i have the pdf file of the book too? For future reading purposes of course.

        • Avatar of SnippySnippy
            • CFA Level 2

            Its an amazing read! Do read it fellas! If needed its PDF’s let me know.

            @imdexbuffet. send me the pdf of if god was a banker on

            I’m sorry man, i don’t think he has it anymore. Even i was looking forward to him sending it.

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            Its an amazing read! Do read it fellas! If needed its PDF’s let me know.

            @imdexbuffet. send me the pdf of if god was a banker on

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            Its an amazing read! Do read it fellas! If needed its PDF’s let me know.

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            @imdnextbuffet I sent you a pm. Thanks, I might read it sooner this way…
            Instead of studying I spent my day today reading The Honest truth about dishonesty~

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            @imdnextbuffet I sent you a pm. Thanks, I might read it sooner this way…
            Instead of studying I spent my day today reading The Honest truth about dishonesty~

            Study study! This is not your time to spend so recklessly. Am reading quite a lot of fiction novels as of now trilogy series of shiva by Amish tripathi

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            Dan Ariely, probably…

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            @imdnextbuffet Can i have the pdf file of the book too? For future reading purposes of course.

            Sorry @Sidmenon I tried finding my pdf collection but couldn’t find them. Really sorry.

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