The Thirty-Six Strategies

The Thirty-Six Strategies

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      The Art of War is well known but the thirty-six strategies are not so well known. A copy of the Art of War should be owned by all business professionals. I don’t really want to start a discourse on Sun Tzu’s book so I’ll leave you with theses 36 mnemonic phrases have been passed into proverbs and are still widely used in the Chinese cultural sphere.

      1. Sneak across the ocean in broad daylight
      2. Surround one state to save another
      3. Borrow a sword to kill another
      4. Face the weary in a condition of ease
      5. Plunge into a fire to pull off a robbery
      6. Feint east, strike west
      7. Make something from nothing
      8. Cross the pass in the dark
      9. Watch the fire from the opposite bank of the river
      10. Hide a sword in a smile
      11. One tree falls for another
      12. Take the sheep in hand as you go along
      13. Beat the grass to startle the snakes
      14. Borrow a corpse to bring back a spirit
      15. Train a tiger to leave the mountain
      16. When you want to take captives, leave them on the loose for awhile
      17. Toss out a glazed tile to draw a jade
      18. To capture the brigands, capture the king
      19. Take the firewood out from under the pot
      20. Stir up the waters to catch fish
      21. The gold cicada molts its shell
      22. Lock the gates to catch the bandits
      23. Make allies at a distance, attach nearby
      24. Borrow the right of way to attach the neighbor
      25. Steal a beam to replace a pillar
      26. Point at one to scold another
      27. Feign ignorance without going crazy
      28. Let them climb the roof, then take away the ladder
      29. Make flowers bloom on a tree
      30. Turn the guest into the host
      31. Scheme with beauties
      32. Scheme with an empty castle
      33. Scheme with double agents
      34. Scheme with self-inflicted wounds
      35. Scheme in continuous circles
      36. It is best to run

      I’m sure these sound better in Chinese. Languages sometimes don’t translate very well D:

      There is a consulting company in London based on the 36 stratagems for business strategy. I want to work for them…

    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder

        Lol love the transformation! It looks so polished now.

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        ?? Don’t tell me you’d figured out the answer now? 😉

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        @Sophie this post was a horrible idea. I spent the next few hours reading the book I took this from *sigh*
        Also today was dedicated to fixed income so reading the Art of War makes sense – Fixed Income is my least favourite section.

        when studying for the CFA exams everything seems interesting…

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        Doesn’t make sense to me at all, but neither does “Throw out a glazed tile to draw a jade.”

        Oh and needless to say, when anyone asks for advice now, I shrug and offer a cryptic: “work smoothly, lifetime peace.”

        LOL – ah but it makes sense to me 😛
        …and that is all that matters ;))

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        @Sophie I did but somehow I accidentally hit publish…now since I can’t delete the discussion so I am trying to figure out what to post…
        I’m such a klutz

      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          “error”‘s a good topic though.

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          Lol love the transformation! It looks so polished now.

          I learned from the best (aka @Zee)

        • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
            • CFA Charterholder

            I’m currently obsessively reading Artemis Fowl – all your fault @diya.

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            is it wrong that i’m looking at them and thinking whether they violate the codes of ethics?

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            This post reminds me, the other day I was walking down the street and a man dressed like a Buddhist monk gave me a little plastic medallion that says “WORK SMOOTHLY, LIFETIME PEACE”

            Doesn’t make sense to me at all, but neither does “Throw out a glazed tile to draw a jade.”

            Oh and needless to say, when anyone asks for advice now, I shrug and offer a cryptic: “work smoothly, lifetime peace.”

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            @padniaki did you think the art of advantage would be given out so freely?

          • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
              • CFA Charterholder


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              I still need to read this. Maybe one day when I’m not spending all my time reading CFA material…

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              @Zee oh oh sweet. We can discuss :-c
              You had me re-reading Kenshin. I call it even.

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              @Gary which part?

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              You can bookmark this post easily to on the top righthand corner with the star button 🙂

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              @Zee @Sophie gave me an idea with “Shoot and go” :p
              Give me 5 minutes.

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