- This topic has 25 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated Apr-173:52 am by
I think just today I typed up a few questions to post on the forum only to figure out the answer 10 seconds before I hit “post discussion”. It is driving me crazy because I seem to spend forever trying to figure it out and finally give up and decide to post it up here and boom the answer falls into my lap.
I suppose I shouldn’t be complaining but it is frustrating when I can’t fall asleep because I am trying to figure out how to mimic swap payoffs using options only to figure it out when I finally decide to come downstairs and type it up.
And the nice weather outside is not helping matters nor that fact that my sisters/family are out every weekend because there is so many activities going in our social circle. I’m not comfortable spending so many hours on my own. I actually like people. I want a hug T_____T
I think I am gaining weight and my temper is on a decidedly short fuse.
And I have been MIA from my social life because I wrote the level I exam in December so I have been missing since late October. I hope my friends don’t think I skipped the country and am chilling out on some drama-set in Korea. My life is currently not so interesting at the moment!
I am also craving streak at the moment and a cup og freshly brewed coffee. I’ve been living off rooibos tea and youth berry (because of the fruity flavour not the name).
@Sophie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a99bob2zhI it is a nice motivational song. (and this is in Japanese – you get a cookie if you can pick out the bad English phrases)
@Zee I know but when I started studying for level I I didn’t think of writing level II right away and wanted to delay it in favour of gaining work experience so the 6 weeks break I did have between writing level I and starting studying for level 2 was spent networking, job hunting and not unwinding and relaxing (though obviously Christmas week and New Years is a different story but I mean in general). -
Ranting is the precise reason we have the community as well @Diya, cos no one else will get what we’re going through!
I am with you @Diya. I can understand completely. I was mentally prepared for December exam and joined this gang. Guess what, everyone of our community convinced me that I can do it in June. And i am trying little harder than i would have, to live upto it. 🙂
Now, i have a split personality. One wants Dec. Other wants to push myself and test my “endurance”. 🙂
People around me started complaining that I started getting irrational and getting irritated for no reason.
Am I? I dont know. Please leave me alone. Its 3 AM in Singapore and I have my exam in EXACTLY 30 days.
Give me a hug.
God speed… 🙂
@Diya, i can totally understand what you’re going through. Social life goes under your bed as long as you’re doing this CFA thing. I keep seeing my friends/family making plans and not being able to a part of it. It really sucks! But don’t worry, just a month left and it shall pass before you know it.
On the bright side, you have this community, us! You can talk to us or crib/rant about anything to everything and we’re all ears! And this is not just because we’re good listeners and nice people, but also because, we are CFA candidates and we have no life except this forum now! 😛
About the part where you got no serious break between L1 and L2, i was thinking, that I’d do L2 in 2015 if i pass this June. No, wait, i WILL pass. This is mostly because i don’t want to do L2 while i’m doing my MSc Finance and then end up not doing well in either of ’em.
So remember, we’re here for you!
Long day @sidmenon 🙂 I don’t think I watched supernatural either. 😛 what were you up to on your day off?
That’s the kinda break I was talking about @sidmenon! Hope you feel more recharged and energised to hit the papers today!
The hardest part of not seeing some of my friends is I have nobody to rant about all the tv/music/random east asian entertainment I still have time to watch 2am in the morning.
you know @diya, I think it’s the process of typing it down, with logical reasonings from your revisions so far, that triggered the answer. Perhaps this is what one could mentally go through in the exams!
Oh, and BIG HUG from the UK! >:D<
@SidMenon I read that as “I spent it with all my girlfriends”…
I hope my reading isn’t so sub-par during exam day. -
@hairyfairy That’s the show Supernatural. He maybe Dean in Gilmore girls but he is Sam here and the guy he’s hugging is his bro, Dean 😛
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