How did you first hear of

How did you first hear of

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      Just curious!

    • Up

      @christine I don’t seem to be able to recall 😛 But I think it was through either AF or Google search. I thought it was fb but I guess you guys started the fb page much later?
      Most probably Google search contrary to my vote 😛

    • Cain_in_TX
        • CFA Level 1

        Returned in a Google search for CFA. Read some of the publicly available posts and decided this looked like a community I’d like to be a join.

      • Dr_Pain28
          • CFA Level 2

          When i check my phone after i always am happy when I have my 300 hours e-mail telling me about a new post. It gives me something fun to do during lunch.

        • Up

          I searched for ‘CFA Blog’ or something like that and found the 300 Hours Blog. The forum didn’t exist then. I joined in order to get my L1 results analysis and then found it a very helpful place for L2 preparation.

        • Zee Tan
            • CFA Charterholder

            @mockturtle the pre-forum days! Yeah we worked hard to launch the forum to facilitate discussions and to help our readers further. We’re constantly launching new things to help improve the site experience – the only constraint is our time that we can dedicate to this!

          • tacheman
              • CFA Charterholder

              Was looking for tips and came across this – I stuck around because of the quality and the fun tone of the writing 😀

            • Up

              honestly I just googled for info about CFA stuff on google and landed up on two sites one this and other one AF. before this site wasn’t great to be frank but now it rox completely. I stopped visitng AF since this forum thing have started 😀 B-)

            • Snippy
                • CFA Level 2

                Someone on CFA L1 Dec 2012 group on facebook shared it.

                And then, i fell in love. =P~

              • Zee Tan
                  • CFA Charterholder

                  Someone on CFA L1 Dec 2012 group on facebook shared it.

                  And then, i fell in love. =P~

                  @sidmenon If you could share it even more that would be great!

                • Up

                  That was @zee. He wrote a few articles there at the start but we found their policies a bit too restrictive 🙂

                • Zee Tan
                    • CFA Charterholder

                    honestly I just googled for info about CFA stuff on google and landed up on two sites one this and other one AF. before this site wasn’t great to be frank but now it rox completely. I stopped visitng AF since this forum thing have started 😀 B-)

                    When did you first come across our site then @imdnextbuffet? Feedback to improve would be much appreciated!

                  • Up

                    Well, I visited AF too. But I found the forum not very useful somehow?! People just seem angry and sarcastic there, not helpful at all! Plus it was difficult to search the forum somehow…


                  • Up

                    honestly I just googled for info about CFA stuff on google and landed up on two sites one this and other one AF. before this site wasn’t great to be frank but now it rox completely. I stopped visitng AF since this forum thing have started 😀 B-)

                    When did you first come across our site then @imdnextbuffet? Feedback to improve would be much appreciated!

                    Long back I believe sometime in 2010-11 o so. Not sure about that. @Zee

                    And as to improvements well its perfectly crafted now. A strong forum like this is definitely needed for course like CFA. But downside is you tend to get addicted to forums especially me. Its then like the next thing you do in morning is to check your notifications just like social networking websites. So thats where I think this things are distraction but as far as knowledge center goes its good that ways.

                    Our strong focus on this forum is to simply get our members to pass. And for that a forum can provide two things:

                    • Motivation, and a place to vent
                    • Quick answers to specific material or CFA-focused questions

                    People are of course encouraged to stay a bit and socialize, but not too much! We hope that every member learns something new about what they’re working towards to every time they log in. So keep the questions coming – they benefit everyone 🙂

                    Your part of answer is very inspiring itself that’s why I said when I meant I stopped seeing AF forum was due to this very reason. 🙂

                  • Reena
                      • CFA Charterholder

                      Think I googled something on CFA to find out more and it was the first few on search rank…

                    • Reena
                        • CFA Charterholder

                        Well, I visited AF too. But I found the forum not very useful somehow?! People just seem angry and sarcastic there, not helpful at all! Plus it was difficult to search the forum somehow…

                      • Snippy
                          • CFA Level 2

                          Someone on CFA L1 Dec 2012 group on facebook shared it.

                          And then, i fell in love. =P~

                          @sidmenon If you could share it even more that would be great!

                          I only wish i had found you guys sooner. I found you first just 10 days before my first attempt at L1 in Dec 2012. Along with that, if this forum existed then, i would have had a better chance of passing for sure. Just with the amount of encouragement and motivation here! 🙂

                        • Up

                          Someone on CFA L1 Dec 2012 group on facebook shared it.

                          And then, i fell in love. =P~

                          @sidmenon If you could share it even more that would be great!

                          I only wish i had found you guys sooner. I found you first just 10 days before my first attempt at L1 in Dec 2012. Along with that, if this forum existed then, i would have had a better chance of passing for sure. Just with the amount of encouragement and motivation here! 🙂

                          awwwwwwwwwwww. You shall pass this time.

                        • Dr_Pain28
                            • CFA Level 2

                            Once i got home after I finished the CFA level 1 exam I was so anxious for the results I was reading everything google would give me and I stumbled across the site. Now I read every blog you guys write.

                          • Zee Tan
                              • CFA Charterholder

                              @Dr_Pain28 aww thanks! If you have any suggestions on future blog posts let us know – we obviously want to continue improving for our constant readers!

                            • Up

                              Once i got home after I finished the CFA level 1 exam I was so anxious for the results I was reading everything google would give me and I stumbled across the site. Now I read every blog you guys write.

                              Makes me think I should write more.

                            • Up

                              Sorry, I forgot to add an option for the team :p

                            • Up

                              Ah, I totally forgot to include Twitter and Facebook. 😛

                            • Up

                              I think I got it through AF…someone called USX (or something like that!) kept advertising it…I’m sure that’s one of you guys tho!

                            • Zee Tan
                                • CFA Charterholder

                                honestly I just googled for info about CFA stuff on google and landed up on two sites one this and other one AF. before this site wasn’t great to be frank but now it rox completely. I stopped visitng AF since this forum thing have started 😀 B-)

                                When did you first come across our site then @imdnextbuffet? Feedback to improve would be much appreciated!

                                Long back I believe sometime in 2010-11 o so. Not sure about that. @Zee

                                And as to improvements well its perfectly crafted now. A strong forum like this is definitely needed for course like CFA. But downside is you tend to get addicted to forums especially me. Its then like the next thing you do in morning is to check your notifications just like social networking websites. So thats where I think this things are distraction but as far as knowledge center goes its good that ways.

                                Our strong focus on this forum is to simply get our members to pass. And for that a forum can provide two things:

                                • Motivation, and a place to vent
                                • Quick answers to specific material or CFA-focused questions

                                People are of course encouraged to stay a bit and socialize, but not too much! We hope that every member learns something new about what they’re working towards to every time they log in. So keep the questions coming – they benefit everyone 🙂

                              • Zee Tan
                                  • CFA Charterholder

                                  @sarah I do enjoy reading your posts! Nice to have another CFA blogger around 🙂

                                • Up

                                  honestly I just googled for info about CFA stuff on google and landed up on two sites one this and other one AF. before this site wasn’t great to be frank but now it rox completely. I stopped visitng AF since this forum thing have started 😀 B-)

                                  When did you first come across our site then @imdnextbuffet? Feedback to improve would be much appreciated!

                                  Long back I believe sometime in 2010-11 o so. Not sure about that. @Zee

                                  And as to improvements well its perfectly crafted now. A strong forum like this is definitely needed for course like CFA. But downside is you tend to get addicted to forums especially me. Its then like the next thing you do in morning is to check your notifications just like social networking websites. So thats where I think this things are distraction but as far as knowledge center goes its good that ways.

                                • JayR
                                    • CFA Level 1

                                    all i did was type MBA vs CFA .. Glad to have found this sooner 😀 😀

                                  • Zee Tan
                                      • CFA Charterholder

                                      When i check my phone after i always am happy when I have my 300 hours e-mail telling me about a new post. It gives me something fun to do during lunch.

                                      that’s awesome – keeps us going!

                                      cheers! 😉

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