CFA CFA Level 3 Well….


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      I’ve been stuck as an L3 candidate for a while (postponed 2 years, then failed one), but this could be it.

      It wasn’t the easiest, but I definitely think I have at least some shot at passing L3 this time. Good luck to everyone and I’ll see you on results day!

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      It was…a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I’m happy with how I responded. When I failed L3 it was a full on panic mode and I knew I bombed it before the exam even finished. This time, I feel much better. However it plays out I’m satisfied I could not have done any better, there is a lot of comfort and satisfaction in that for me!

    • Avatar of cfachriscfachris
        • CFA Level 3

        hey @fabian, how did you feel it went?

        I’m a 2nd time L3 candidate as well, hopefully I did enough to pass for charterholdership. Blanked out on 2 whole questions though, but rushed through to finish them and came back in a calmer manner to wrote something, hoping to get partial points for those instead of 0.

        @jasdev – how did it go for you? I know you’re the well prepared one! 🙂

      • Avatar of fp92fp92
          • CFA Level 1

          Hope you L3 candidates out there did enough to pass. I’m only at L1 and have complained of the longgg study period up to the exams, can’t imagine doing 3 years+ of this for the charterholdership! 

          I felt kinda good about the exam, took all the tips on time mgmt from you all here and didn’t freak out. But not sure if I have enough answers right to pass though. Anyway, feels good to get it over it for now, and enjoy the summer! I’m feeling strange with all the free time I have now and not quite sure what to do with myself!

        • Avatar of jenovajenova
            • CFA Level 1
            fabian said:
            However it plays out I’m satisfied I could not have done any better, there is a lot of comfort and satisfaction in that for me!

            Wise words. You can only try your best, stressing about it any further will only lead to madness.

          • Avatar of rahul12rahul12
              • CFA Level 3

              for me (level 2) it was a tough one, the only thing i did well was on time management where i just select an answer and move on rigidly, based on time per question. problem is, there’s sooooo many of that it felt like half the paper’s answer were ‘uncertain’  :'(

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