CFA CFA Level 2 Review Level 1 to pass Level II?

Review Level 1 to pass Level II?

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    • simply_complex2
        • CFA Level 1

        Hi everyone,

        So I passed Level I in December 2014 and was going to take level II in June 2015, but my health took a turn for the worst. Anyway I’m finally feeling better and am planning to take Level II in in 2016, but was wondering how much of level I do you need to pass level II? Do you recommend reviewing Level I material before starting to study for Level II, or is that not necessary? If it is recommended, how much focus should I put on Level I material? I am definitely a bit rusty since I haven’t been able to look at things for a while. I haven’t been able to look at CFA stuff since January. 

      • WesMantooth
          • CFA Charterholder

          agree with @stuj79 . L2 is the beast of breadth! Don’t waste time or memory space on L1 material.

        • Stuj79
            • CFA Charterholder

            I wouldn’t bother reviewing anything from the L1 books….jump straight into L2, everything you need is in those books (there are even optional review sections to recap any base knowledge you need that isn’t directly tested in the L2 exam). The only exception I can think of to this is some of the financial ratios…but they shouldn’t take more than a quick Google to get you back up to speed.

            so yeah, I believe a review of L1 wouldn’t be at all your best use of time. Even though the L2 subjects do in some ways lead on from L1 material, there isn’t actually THAT much direct overlap.

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