CFA CFA Level 2 Oh sh*t moment

Oh sh*t moment

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      Still so much trickery to master ((+_+))

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      @sophie I’m still scoring in the high 50’s after 4 schweser exams. I make stupid mistakes and sometimes don’t understand the questions (the way it is phrased) and then lose half the questions in the vignettes. And it takes me one whole day to do one mock and debrief (check answers, practice similar questions). Is this normal pace?

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      @bceagles that would be a violation under VII (A) Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program

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      I remember @zee use to carry an insurance to the exam – in the form of a red bull. just in case. But he never used it. I just have my usual 1 cup of coffee and I’m ok for the rest of the day. Make sure your lunch is not too carb heavy, some lean protein will keep you full and going during the exam! 🙂

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      @shantala @sophie @diya I carry a red bull with me on exam day as well. I drink it just right before the afternoon session. Red bull has a huge tiring effect after the hit but by that time the exam will be over and it’s time to celebrate!

      Can tuna is good for exam day. Low on carbs and good source of omega 3. :-bd

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      Hi @alta12 – fret not, taking whole day to do a mock and debrief is normal, and pretty fast. considering that you take 6 hours to do (which is pretty much all day), and check / review at night.

      Your problem is an easier one to solve if its silly mistakes and reading. Do you have enough time during the timed-mocks? Perhaps you’re rushing through things too fast?

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      Does anyone know if the actual exam format lists the topics at the beginning of the exam (the same way Schweser does)? I suspect not but just wondering. Thanks.

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      @sophie yes i am rushing through particular in my reading of the vignettes. I miss subtle cues 🙁

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      @sophie I have just completed the Elan Mock (morning session). Scoring better (in the high 60’s), I think their question style suits me better. However, I lost a whole vignette as I froze and forgot about Corporate finance. I will revise that topic tonight.

      I think one of the issue is that I freak out while I am working through the questions especially when I can’t see my calculated answer in the multiple choices. At the end, my answer is still correct and the difference is due to rounding but it makes me more nervous as the exam goes on. :((

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      I keep a thermos of ginseng tea which I drink before and during the break. It is a terrific pick me up (and not to mention healthy).

      I also plan to finish the exam early so I get around 3 hours between sessions and I am bouncing with energy by the second session (at least I was in Dec and I hadn’t slept the night before).

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      Would that really be considered a violation when the question pertains to the format of the exam rather than actual content? Over the course of my studies I have gone through the exam questions sequentially but have considered skipping my weak sections (Der/QM) and doing those last, thus my original question.

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      Try the different method (within time limits of course) and see how you fare? Let me know how you’re doing.

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      Go through it slowly but surely? and within time limit of course? Anything that reduces mistakes 😉

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      I did a mock test today and in the afternoon session I felt very sleepy — my brain was blank, and I just didn’t want to continue with it! I forced myself to, because I thought, ‘oh my goodness, am I going to feel like this during the actual exam?! Come on, do something!’

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      Tuna and cucumber sandwich then? 😀
      Or smoked salmon bagel with cream cheese

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      I think they do @bceagles but that’ during my time, I’m not sure whether things have changed since then with topic listing.

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      Hmm? Care to explain more @alta12.

      More practice should reduce such panic attacks. Don’t worry.

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      @sophie what is the different method?

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      sounds good @alta12 – it’s all about knowing where your strengths and weaknesses are, and taking steps to address them.
      Yes, I know what you mean! I tend to panic too at those times, and worse, my mind just turns blank and my hand shakes @-) Controlling those emotions would help – what did it for me was ‘let’s be useful, what can i do now to salvage the situation’, *deep breath* and move on. It helps!

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