CFA CFA Level 1 When to take the mock exam?

When to take the mock exam?

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    • Avatar of 9090bb9090bb
        • CFA Level 1

        Hello everybody, I just started studying for the exam. (I am an MS in Finance) So, as yo know, we only have one CFA Institute mock exam. When should I use this exam? (It’s important since it’s so close to the actual thing)

        Should I take it now to see which areas I lack in? Or should I leave it for the last week after I’m completely ready?


      • Avatar of DigitalWizardDigitalWizard
          • CFA Level 1

          If you just got your MS in Finance, I would take the mock right away and see how poorly you did and realize what you need to hit the hardest over the next 3.5 weeks. Also, see 300 hours’s article on mock exams, you should take several, not just one.

        • Avatar of googs1484googs1484
            • CFA Level 3

            The end for sure.  That’s a no brainer. 

          • Avatar of Stuj79Stuj79
              • CFA Charterholder

              I wouldn’t leave it too late, perhaps attempt it with 2 weeks to go before the exam. There’s no point in doing it JUST before the actual exam as then you have no time to go over the areas which you struggled with.

              i would say two weeks is close enough to the exam that you should be 99% ready to take the real exam so you get to have a decent go at the mock, but you also have time to go back over the incorrect answers and actually learn from them. 

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