CFA CFA Level 1 Weighted Average Collection Period: calculate ‘average collection days’?

Corp Fin

Weighted Average Collection Period: calculate ‘average collection days’?

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • Avatar of pcunniffpcunniff
        • CFA Level 1

        Can someone explain how to calculate the average collection days. I see the % as a total (200/500 = 40% as an example for march). However, how do you get the average collection days or is this GIVEN.

        Weighted Average Collection Period: calculate ‘average collection days’?

        mikey voted up
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        It doesn’t look like there’s enough context to 100% say for sure.

        Average collection period formula is for the entire year:

        average collection period=receivables still duetotal credit sales for the year×365

        So extrapolating that formula for intervals as per the example you get, e.g. for <31 days:

        average collection period (<31)=receivables still due for <31 daystotal credit sales within last 31 days×31

        Unless that info is given (credit sales for the various intervals) I’d say that’s just a given value for the purposes of that specific example. Unless maybe there’s more info before the bit you included here.

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