CFA CFA Level 1 TimePrep


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    • Avatar of mbnmichael17mbnmichael17
        • CFA Level 2

        Has anyone used TimePrep as a study guide? I bought it after reading the description on the website, but the app doesn’t have any reviews. I am currently developing a study plan for the June 2014 Level 1 exam.

        The biggest benefit for me in having this app is that it lays out my entire study routine and allows me to revise my study routine if I fail a bunch of questions or if I’m not able to study on a certain night.

        The biggest drawback is that I can’t key in a month of review or multiple mock exams.

        Any feedback on the app or other study methods would be appreciated! I need something to kick me in the butt and make me study…

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        I purchased this app as well and I feel the same way.. I’ve been considering the Stalla Mobile CFA Review app which breaks down the exam by topic and offers many review questions to practice.

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