CFA CFA Level 1 Time between exams

Time between exams

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      I’ve made the decision to take the CFA but want to make sure the timing is right. I can make a good run at the 1st test this December but if I pass I wont be able to take the second in June 2015 due to a probable job change, wedding and relocation all during that time. Also if I don’t pass, I would still have to hang it up for another 6 months….

      If I delay 1.5 years it will give me the ability to go back-to-back-to-back-to-back (if i drop one). So my questions is, how important is the proximity of the exams? I don’t want to hang it up for a full year and have to relearn everything from level one to level two. At the same time, I’m chomping at the bit to get going….

      Any thoughts are welcome!

      Thank you.

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      @MFA. I agree with @Pranav‌. I am also not 100% sure of my location / job / etc, but I too wanted to get going on this. Personally I hope that regardless of what happens, I will be able to carve out enough time to take Dec 14 / June 15 / June 16 (hoping that I pass at each stage of the journey). Even if anything does happen, getting in the learning, or a decent amount of it now and right up until whatever happens will help with your path, regardless of your journey to get there in terms of what is actually achievable in exam dates on the way.

      I hope that make sense?

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      it isn’t that bad an idea to go for L1 in december and take L2 over a year from then…i don’t know for how long you’ll be busy if you pass in december, but regardless it wont be too hard to revise the L1 material before starting preparations for L2, say around December the year after…

      besides, if you dont clear L1 in december, you have the opportunity to try it out again in June(with minimal efforts put in to cover for your weaknesses, considering you have time constraints) and then go for L2 in june the year after…

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      @MFA‌ forgot to tag you…

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