CFA CFA Level 1 Start now? December 2014 or June 2015?

Start now? December 2014 or June 2015?

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    • Avatar of Azar002Azar002
        • Undecided

        Help. I’m trying to determine my year date for level I. I work for an investment management group and work 12 hour days regularly. Is it too late to start studying for the December 2014 test? We are expecting our first child in March, so I’ll have a pregnant wife to contend with. But, if I wait until June 2015, I’ll have an infant to contend with. My schedule has rude swings depending on travel requirements with work and there are always weekend interruptions during the college football season. Thoughts?

      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          Agree with @Maverick‌: try hard for Dec, but you have to make sure that you allocate enough of your time and effort to it. It seems like you’re already fairly busy. If workdays are regularly 12 hours and weekends are sometimes occupied with travel / football, you have to see if it’s possible to make the time commitments for the CFA exams to begin with, or if you can devise a schedule that works (and doesn’t burn you out).

        • Avatar of Azar002Azar002
            • Undecided

            Thanks for the comments. I slipped in the football bit only for the reaction. I have limited time as it is and I’m try to be a realist when it comes to my time. I think the bigger question for me isn’t about December or June, it’s whether or not it makes sense to chase the CFA now. Someday it will benefit me to have the designation and the knowledge developed through study will only make me better in my profession. However, given that I am a real estate investor (buy side), the CFA isn’t necessarily a career requirement immediately. Would I be better off focusing on the skills that are specific to my industry and push the CFA to a later date when I’m not at such a “learning point” early in my career? Should I spend the extra hours becoming a better underwriter, market expert of the 4-5 cities that I cover, etc. Or, let those things come in time as they naturally will during my normal working hours. Then I can spend my extra time on the CFA. Part of this will be an exercise in practicing patience.

          • Up

            Good morning @Azar002‌ and welcome to the forum. In terms of this query, perhaps you should see what I wrote here to another such query (actually today!) right here:


            If you think you can find a couple of hours a day and then do some large-scale readings at the weekend (or even on the plane if you’re traveling a lot), then December 2014 is possible for you, and you can still take it again with some good revision in June should the worst happen and you fail the December exam.
            I assure you, it will be harder to study properly once you have 12 hour days, travel, college football and the arrival of a newborn.

            Simple and distilled summary: Go for it now, go hard, try your best, study everywhere and anywhere that you can. If it doesn’t happen this time around, at least the core learning will be done and you can simply revise, revise, (clean up sick and wipe a bottom), revise and hit it again in June 2015.

            Don’t take this personally mate, but what’s more important? College Football, or obtaining the Gold Standard qualification that will doubtlessly advance your career in your chosen field?

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