CFA CFA Level 1 So….should I already have started for Dec exams?

So….should I already have started for Dec exams?

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    • Avatar of juliussnapejuliussnape
        • CFA Level 1

        Looking through the messages there are obviously some people that have already started studying for the Dec exams, and some (quite worryingly, if I’m being honest) making significant progress already. I’ve got through some of Quantitative Methods but not really gotten down to a serious pace yet.

        Was wondering if most people have actually started by now, if they are studying for the Dec exam, or is it just a vocal minority. CFA seniors, any advice?

      • Avatar of ZhengZheng
          • CFA Level 1

          Hi, I am thinking about getting CFA level 1 in the coming Dec. I am thinking whether teaming up would be more efficient. Based in Europe

        • Up

          I can provide a data-based answer, although ultimately it’s up to your preference and circumstance.

          Generally we recommend that people start THE LATEST by the second registration deadline, i.e. mid-August.

          For June exams there is a very clear start point for most candidates – January.

          For December exams there is a more gradual start – some start in June, with the most starting in September (which as mentioned we think is too late).

          I personally would recommend starting now, assuming you have a regular full-time job, are reasonably disciplined for study and can form a study plan (you can get one here).

          You can see the data and charts here:

        • Avatar of lugnutslugnuts
            • CFA Level 1

            IIRC I started after the summer holiday season. Worked for me, I pushed really hard once I started though.

          • Avatar of cfachriscfachris
              • CFA Level 3

              L3 candidate here awaiting results…. I did Dec exams too few years ago and I did start in July, just so I’m not rushed and have contingency time. Tricky during summer for sure, but it’s good to start slow, and ramp up gradually to not burn out. Think you’re doing fine!

            • Avatar of fp92fp92
                • CFA Level 1

                curious about teaming up @Zheng, as I’ve been studying solo for my L1 in June (assuming I don’t pass, I’ll probably retake in Dec). Do you think there’s any advantage?

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