CFA CFA Level 1 Non-finance background preparing for CFA Level 1

Non-finance background preparing for CFA Level 1

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    • Avatar of MCFinCLEMCFinCLE
        • CFA Level 1

        I only took a couple of undergrad courses in finance and don’t have any work experience in the field.  I was an engineering major so I’m used to hard material, but can anyone give me an idea of the learning curve I’ll need to overcome to get ready for this exam?  I’ve heard preparing for this exam is the equivalent of two undergrad courses….has anyone heard something similar?

      • Avatar of SusanGSusanG
          • Undecided

          I’m in a similar situation only i’m in my final year of uni and would like to take the exam in june 2017, i’m studying biotechnology but i realised it’s really not what i want to do, i’ve done economics and money banking as free electives. I haven’t the slightest clue where to begin.

        • Avatar of chenbowenchenbowen
            • CFA Level 1

            Hi MC, 
            I am in Engineering so a similar situation like you. In fact, the CFA curriculum is so comprehensive and exacting even my finance major friends have to work really diligently to pass. I just got the results today – I passed Level I. Remember, start early and don’t overlook any topic and key points! I’m confident that you will do really well !

          • Avatar of tachemantacheman
              • CFA Charterholder

              The CFA course doesn’t assume any prior finance knowledge, so you’re good there. Math technical ability helps, and since you’re an engineering major, you should be good there too.

              L1 shouldn’t be overly difficult as long as you plan and schedule in your hours, but I’d watch out for L2. Good luck!

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