CFA CFA Level 1 New 3 Day Subscription to Adapt Level I – Q-bank and 2 Mock Exams for under $35

New 3 Day Subscription to Adapt Level I – Q-bank and 2 Mock Exams for under $35

  • Author
    • PaulAdaptPrep
        • Undecided

        We at Passed Tense (soon to be AdaptPrep) just released a new 3 day subscription to our Adapt question bank (feel free to search the forum for how people like it). Lots of you are using Adapt for last minute practice, so we wanted another flexible subscription option.

        Adapt lets you generate exams from our question bank of over 2,400 questions at a variety of difficulty levels.
        Adapt also comes with:

        • 60 minute level I review crash course, 
        • 2 printable mock exams at real exam difficulty (written new for the 2015 exam)
        • 15 min calculator guide
        • printable formula sheet

        Use coupon code 300HOURSFORUM to get 15% off, resulting in a final price of $34.85.

        During your three day subscription you could theoretically take 22 full practice exams, but you’d either need to finish them really fast or you’d only get 6 hours of sleep across those 72 hours.

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