CFA CFA Level 1 cfai vs kaplan mocks

cfai vs kaplan mocks

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    • Avatar of googs1484googs1484
        • CFA Level 3

        I score very consistent ly in high 70s low 80s in Kaplan but after doing my first cfai AM session mock I got a 73. Little troubling….why is this? I found the cfai mocks questions weren’t in order. They were scattered all over and it seemed like the institute didn’t put any thought into them and just tossed random questions together.  Should I be concerned or should I not heavily invest myself into that score? 

      • Avatar of Stuj79Stuj79
          • CFA Charterholder

          I think with scores of 70+ across both Schweser and CFAI you should be sitting pretty for the exam….although of course don’t get complacent. When I did L1 I was scoring around the same as you in mocks and passed the exam with all scores above 70%, except Quant and Derivatives which were 50-70.

          I think you can feel pretty well prepared at the moment – just spend these last couple of weeks hammering out questions, reviewing those you got wrong, and memorising formulas.

          Oh and make sure you are a whiz on the old calculator – make sure you know how to use the data and stat functions to calculate standard deviation etc – will save you a lot of time in the exam.

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