CFA CFA Level 1 Any advantage to registering early for the CFA exam (besides saving money)?

Any advantage to registering early for the CFA exam (besides saving money)?

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    • Avatar of mincemeat23mincemeat23
        • CFA Level 1

        Hi guys, hope to get help here…

        I’ve decided to go for the December exam, but since the second deadline is two months away I wanted to see if there is any advantage to registering now. is there any ongoing support, tutoring or any kind of service that starts as soon as you register?

      • Avatar of mincemeat23mincemeat23
          • CFA Level 1

          Thanks! Have registered anyway – the common wisdom seems to be ‘commit as soon as possible’. Hope to learn much from everyone here!

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          @mincemeat23 there isn’t a tutoring service, but you do get your curriculum books delivered earlier, and you’d have mentally committed earlier, which in our research has positively correlated with exam performance. Good luck with the exam!

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          Don’t think there is any. You get access to some tools like an online study planner, some sample questions but I think that’s it.

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