CFA CFA General solution for a company that works with huge files loaded with all kinds of data

solution for a company that works with huge files loaded with all kinds of data

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      In the company where I work, my co-worker who is in a position above me has to work all the time with the data that is handled in the company. The company is so large with so many personnel that the data that it handles is so much that the file in if where it is located is too huge, so much so that normal programs cannot open the file with the data, so faced with this problem, as a good colleague that I am, I decided to find a solution for it, does anyone know how you can work with data like this? big without any problem? And what program can you use to see files of enormous size with all these hundreds and hundreds of data that are handled in the company?

      TrueGog voted upangelrebilla voted up
    • Avatar of adrianoadriano
        • Undecided

        There are many programs for processing huge files and it is impossible to unequivocally say which one you need. Use the search engine to find such programs and choose from the list the one that suits you and which will be convenient for you to use.

        TrueGog voted upangelrebilla voted up
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