CFA CFA General Mock Exam vs. Real Test

Mock Exam vs. Real Test

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    • Avatar of fp92fp92
        • CFA Level 1

        Hi all, just curious if anyone can share their experience on what they think of the mock exams vs. the real test? 

        I’ve done 1 CFAI paper so far (2013), and scored 57% in AM, 62% in PM. I get that it’s hard to judge/compare the ‘difficulty’ of the paper, but I was wondering if the mock exams are harder than the actual exams, or is this what should be expected on the test day?

        Thanks so much in advance!

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        Hey @fp92, as you said it’s hard to compare difficulty as it’s different to everyone depending on your topic strengths.

        That said, to be useful, in my case I remember that CFAI mocks felt ‘different’ to 3rd party provider practice papers, in the sense that the latter had more calculation-based questions, but it wasn’t less trickier. I felt CFAI mocks represent the actual paper quite well, whilst some 3rd party provider papers could feel more difficult in general. 

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