CFA CFA General Finished Your CFA Exam Recently? How Did You Celebrate?

Finished Your CFA Exam Recently? How Did You Celebrate?

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    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder
        Finished Your CFA Exam Recently? How Did You Celebrate?

        By Zee Post-exam plans are often a much fantasized aspect when prepping for the CFA exams. A missed party. Not going out with your regular gang. Passing on on a movie or a game. Every time this…

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      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          going to a shooting range right after the exam

          Points for originality!!

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          Promptly following Level 2, I commenced drinking 2 four lokos followed by 5 hour energy and an abundance of patron XO. After not remembering anything Post-Loko, I was told I passed out in the front lawn of a church. I am ever grateful to this day for good roommates that somehow found me.

        • Avatar of tng2928tng2928
            • CFA Level 2

            The night after level 1, I boarded a plane and went to asia for a vacation; after level 2, I went hiking the next morning lolz

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            level 1 june 2014, in a country where drinking is illegal 🙁
            ended up going to a shooting range right after the exam, that was unbelievably pleasing and a good release for frustration 🙂 ended the day watching loads of TV and playing some games

          • Avatar of BeanCounterBeanCounter
              • CFA Charterholder

              Level 3. I am now spending a week going through the Greek Islands with my girlfriend. Given we had not seen each other for literally two months in the run up to the exam it’s both a celebration and my way of saying sorry…

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              Did my level 1 June 2014, I passed out twice in one night, have blurry memories of the night

            • Avatar of mattycmattyc
                • CFA Charterholder

                My wife picked me up and we went straight to a wedding (changed at a friends hotel room). I never danced so hard to Shout in my life. Had a few too many tequila shots and I was told the next morning that after we went home my wife woke up to find me looking over the Schweser formula sheet at 3am with a beer in my hand. Work hard play hard haha.

              • Avatar of servelvservelv
                  • CFA Level 1

                  Did the level I June 2014 in London. Not super confident, but whatever.
                  Back home, I felt that my brain was totally messed up, so no point in resting. Went out for a quiet BBQ. My friends thought I was having a stroke as I was completely disconnected, starting sentences without finishing them. One thing leading to another, 5-6 bottles of wine passed on the table, I passed out and woke up a few hours later on the bus riding me home. Win!

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