CFA CFA General Elan/Wiley CFA guides – reviews?

Elan/Wiley CFA guides – reviews?

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    • Avatar of blitzspadesblitzspades
        • Undecided

        Hello All!

        After a well thought out process, I have decided to give it a go for CFA level 1 in 2015. Will most likely go for the December 2015 sitting (there is a possibility for the June 2015 sitting but will depend on the next couple of months).

        I am ready to pull the trigger on a prep course and it seems that overwhelmingly Elan/Wiley is the way to go due to their detailed study guides, in-depth instructional videos and amazing practice questions and tests which are close to the actual CFAI curriculum/exams.

        I know a lot of candidates like to stack up on as much prep material as possible but personally, I don’t believe in that. That being said, I would likely stick to 1 prep course (ie. Elan/Wiley) and the CFAI books, practice questions and mock exams.

        For those candidates who have used Elan, please let me know your thoughts and what you think of my preliminary plan.


      • Avatar of simply_complex2simply_complex2
          • CFA Level 1

          hey @blitzspades! i also prepared with elan, and i thought that their materials were excellent. i felt like they focused in on all of the right areas, and helped me become familiar with the “most important” concepts rather than getting bogged down with minute details. i felt like i wouldnt know what was important if i relied solely on the CFAI materials since there’s just so much. also, i used elan and schweser mocks to practice, and i found elan’s to be more difficult. i actually felt like their mocks were more difficult than the actual exam, so that’s always a good feeling.
          sorry for the delay in response, i took a much needed break from all things CFA after taking level I

        • Avatar of hairyfairyhairyfairy
            • Undecided

            Elan (ex) prepper here. Ex only because they don’t do L3 – generally they’re a good provider (frankly the only one I’ve known!). Am using Schweser now for L3.

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            Although I will know for sure come Jan regarding my Dec 2014 exam I can say with confidence that Elan Guides prepped me very well. I was thoroughly impressed with the quality of their content and the difficulty of their practice exams. I 100% recommend them.

          • Avatar of blitzspadesblitzspades
              • Undecided

              @jak5189‌ thank you for the info! I hope you get a successful result for lv.1
              Can you let me know what you did to study for lv. 1? You can PM if easier.
              Any other comments for Elan prep for lv.1?

            • Avatar of arcanus25arcanus25
                • CFA Level 1

                This is such a disappointing product! I’ve had numerous issues with the online prep that should be efficient and instead has wasted hours of my time with technical glitches. When I call customer service I don’t get a call back and when I leave messages with their live chat they don’t get back to you. After two days of calling someone finally picked up the phone. It seems to be duplicating my lessons and changing my exam plan at a whim as well as losing data so it takes me forever to figure out where I was. Also, if you end up leaving a lesson in the middle to come back, it doesn’t remember where you were and you waste time finding where it was. Love the lessons so far, but the online product and customer service are so poor to be almost unusable, and certainly not efficient.

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