CFA CFA General Does Kaplan Schweser offer discounts for CFA classes?

Does Kaplan Schweser offer discounts for CFA classes?

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      I just signed up for the December CFA exam and also would like to take a CFA prep course to keep me on track. The “offers” page for has Kaplan Schweser listed, but there is not actually any offer or discount listed. Also there is a specialized link, but this also does not seem to provide a discount or any special offer (it’s the same price as just going to the website for either a study package or a class).

      Link to offer page:
      Link to Kaplan Schweser:

      I was curious about the following:

      1) Does Kaplan Schweser offer discounts in general for their in-person CFA classes and if so, what is it usually (10%-20% off or something similar)?

      Link to class:

      2) Is there any general idea of when these discounts are usually offered? Hypothetical example, for the December exam, discount offers usually start mid June/early July? I’m just curious if I’ve missed them or they might come soon or not at all.

      Any thoughts or advice on this is greatly appreciated! The $1,400 price tag for the class it a bit daunting and any insight on discounts would be greatly appreciated!

    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder

        Hey @jwp‌

        Kaplan got back to us:

        “There are currently no discounts for the December 2014 exam. However, Kaplan Schweser offers an Early Season Discount of 10% that applies to the June Premium and PremiumPlus Packages, as well as the Live Class Premium and PremiumPlus Packages.

        For the June 2015 exam, the promotion will run July 23–August 31, 2014.”

        We label our buttons to highlight current discounts (red) or free offers (green) – you can have a look here:

        Hope this helps!

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