CFA CFA General CFA outside of banking?

CFA outside of banking?

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      Was wondering whether anyone here is pursuing CFA outside of the usual banking/research/PWM route? Am thinking of joining a startup – the one I’m looking at is fintech but may eventually move away from that, so wondering if CFA is still useful then. Any help is much appreciated!

    • mincemeat23
        • CFA Level 1

        Food and beverage. If you don’t mind I’ll PM you for a quick chat.

      • hairyfairy
          • Undecided

          Did you end up joining the startup @kalalah?

        • justing
            • CFA Charterholder

            See my reply in this thread: https://forum/

            I’m not in fintech but at a startup – PM me if you have any more questions.

          • Up

            Thanks! The role I’m looking at is an analytical one – I wouldn’t mind the CFO career path, haha, but my target is to move more to managing my own team, maybe regionally. Like I said I’m not hung up on fintech (yet).

            I’ve got a few years banking experience, and have been offered a role in a small startup to join their starting regional team. The team will only be about 3-5 people, so it’s quite a step-up in responsibility even though I won’t be managing anyone. But it seems risky to me, so I’m thinking whether (a) to accept the offer and (b) to continue the CFA.

          • hairyfairy
              • Undecided

              I’ve moved away from my old PWM role, and now work as a CFO of sorts to a small non-profit. CFA was really useful practically for the job and for credibility as well.

            • itsalwayslupus
                • CFA Level 3

                Any corporation will employ CFAs if they’re large enough to need a finance team. Am currently in the AM team for a non-finance tech company, so it depends more on the role than the company.

              • Up

                I have – for now. It’s a pretty unstable environment. At this point I’m not sure because it’s a small company or the area it’s in. I’m keeping my head down, working hard, and also working hard at my CFA to cover all bases.

                I might PM you for specific advice @hairyfairy if that’s OK.

              • mincemeat23
                  • CFA Level 1

                  Hi @Kalalah how is your experience so far? I am considering moving to a corporate finance role in a more ‘traditional’ non-finance industry, but not sure if A. career path direction would be great after that and B. whether it would be as educational/stimulating…?

                • Up

                  Yeah it’s pretty intense so far. I think the factor that it’s a small company is having a larger effect on my job overall than the non-finance factor. The industry is pretty fast flowing so you have to be comfortable in a constant state of chaos. Overall I’m enjoying it but I can’t see myself doing this for my entire life, or at least the industry needs to calm down when I get older, haha.

                  What industry are you thinking of joining?

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