CFA CFA General CFA + post-grad necessary for good career opportunities?


CFA + post-grad necessary for good career opportunities?

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    • Avatar of raghuveer0205raghuveer0205
        • CFA Level 1

        Hey guys,

        I came across the discussion several times that just graduation with charter is not enough, and I should or anyone without post graduation degree should go for post graduation and it will make an impact.

        Obviously post graduation will be a highlight but as you’ve seen people doing CFA. Does, not having post graduation degree will effect my career?

        Zee Tan voted upraghuveer0205 voted up
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        Accepted answer

        Enough for what? There is no one-size-fits-all answer for this.

        This really depends on location and the job you’re looking at. You’ll have to do more research into the roles you’re targeting, talk to recruiters and people in the industry and see what you need to get and pass interviews.

        Good luck!

        raghuveer0205 voted up
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