CFA CFA General Advice Required: Clash Between CFA May 2024 Exams & Indian General Elections

Advice Required: Clash Between CFA May 2024 Exams & Indian General Elections

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3w by ShubhamAgarwal.
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    • Avatar of ShubhamAgarwalShubhamAgarwal
        • CFA Level 1


        I am an L1 candidate due to appear in the CFA May 2024 examinations. I am based out of Mumbai, India. We also have our national elections scheduled from April 19, 2024 to June 1, 2024.

        Furthermore, the election phase in my city (i.e. Mumbai) as well as my CFA L1 exam date is May 20th. Would there be any postponement or change in exam date due to such a clash? Has it ever occurred in the past?

        I am a first-timer and would appreciate any advice highly. Thanks!

        rocky9281 voted up
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        bro contact me for if u exam before 20th of may..

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