CFA CFA General 15 Superfoods to Turbocharge Your Brain for the CFA Exam

15 Superfoods to Turbocharge Your Brain for the CFA Exam

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    • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
        • CFA Charterholder
        15 Superfoods to Turbocharge Your Brain for the CFA Exam

        By Sophie,  Guest Contributor .  Check out her  previous posts  to learn how to optimise your life and ace the CFA exams in 18 months, even with a full-time job. With the  CFA countdown clock…

        Read the full story here

      • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
          • CFA Charterholder

          I few days before the exam I give up my coffee habit in favour for ginseng tea to avoid crashing and burning.

          I favor green tea over coffee 😀 you can drink that stuff pretty much as often as you like.

        • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
            • CFA Charterholder

            I’m not sure if drugs are really needed to pass the CFA exams…

          • Up

            Hello @Dan! No prob, hope it helps clear out those foggy-brain days 😀

          • Avatar of policedogpolicedog
              • Undecided

              Excellent, I hit quite a few of these already.

            • Up

              My favourite is rooibos tea but I also drink green tea and I drink lots of orange juice. I just like coffee too ^.^
              I have Darjeeling tea too but nobody here likes it much …

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              Interesting article I say! Does anyone take mild drugs like enhancing your cognitive functionality ? Well just curious to know, we’ll I did and a guy ike me who sleeps by 11 pm at night definitely needed it, got inspired actually by seeing movie limitless, asked people around If they really have something like that, though its not so awesome as its shown in the movie but I think it atleast gave me extra boost while studying in the last minute studies.

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              Not sure if I’ll go that far @imdnextbuffet! Contradicting the spirit of this post of eating natural and good-for-you stuff, to cleanse, or “detox”, as I believe the human body is not performing optimally due to all the highly processed food we eat sometimes …

            • Avatar of dcncadcnca
                • CFA Level 1

                For the most part, good advice to live by sticking to natural and whole foods. Fat is not the enemy, especially saturated fat. The brain functions best on ketones, not glucose, which coincides with a diet higher in fat and lower in carbs. A diet higher in fat will keep you satiated for much longer and much more even keel throughout a test taking session. I’m not sure why cholesterol continues to get such a bad rep as there is no research to claim it causes heart disease. Best wishes to all taking exams in December!

              • Up

                Very interesting post! Thank you, will surely try some of these.

              • Up

                Thanks the post is really detailed!

                I was always under the impression that only black tea had a caffeine content worth talking about but some teas have very insignificant amount of caffeine.

                I few days before the exam I give up my coffee habit in favour for ginseng tea to avoid crashing and burning.

              • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                  • CFA Level 3

                  @imdnextbuffet what’s the mild drugs that you are referring to?

                • Up

                  @imdnextbuffet what’s the mild drugs that you are referring to?

                  Well there are cognitive enhancers available in the market too, am not sure if you are aware of

                • Up

                  @Zee you are so damn right but for guy like me whose too mediocre with average memory, not amongst elite brainee category, who does extreme hardwork but still no results, who still wants to reach a top level, and if with some enhancement pills which would improve his cognitive functionality/concentration/memory retaining power then I its too normal to take it to pass the exam. 🙂

                • Up

                  Not sure if I’ll go that far @imdnextbuffet! Contradicting the spirit of this post of eating natural and good-for-you stuff, to cleanse, or “detox”, as I believe the human body is not performing optimally due to all the highly processed food we eat sometimes …


                  Yes the foods you mentioned in that post, definitely help out. I had half of them during my preps on daily basis. And it was indeed a great post.

                • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                    • CFA Level 3

                    Has anyone here tried Ginkgo Biloba ? Apparently, its good for memory enhancement.

                  • Avatar of Zee TanZee Tan
                      • CFA Charterholder

                      @vincentt didn’t like the taste of gingko… 🙁

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