Career Discussions Right Time to Appear for CFA – Level 1

Right Time to Appear for CFA – Level 1

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    • Avatar of AnishGuptaAnishGupta
        • CFA Level 1

        Hi, I want a bit of counselling / advice on when to appear for L1
        I was into process auditing for 2 years.
        Have recently moved into (2 months into it) a Valuations (Real Estate) role in a new firm. Looking at the CFA program. I am 25 years old and confused between taking the L1 in June 2015 vis-a-vis Dec 2015. Considering I have recently switched jobs it is proving difficult to take time out as I am also expected to travel at times for work.

        Concerned about the right time to take the level.

      • Avatar of hairyfairyhairyfairy
          • Undecided

          @AnishGupta‌ Take the L1 as soon as possible.

          Re your commitments and work, yes, it will be difficult to balance work and CFA, but to be honest it’s unlikely to change or get better as your career progresses, so there’s no point in waiting.

          Re June vs December, imo there is never a good reason why you should choose a later exam over one you can reasonably study for right now. So I’d advise for you to go for June 2015.

          Hope that helps!

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