Career Discussions Question about do or not do CFA

Question about do or not do CFA

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      Is my first message in this forum and I am from Spain. I am not sure to do the CFA exams. I like investment. In college was my favorite subject. I know CFA is one of the best certificates in the world. But I am from a little city and I am not sure I can take profit of the CFA. In my city there is not too many financial areas. Is a place of tourism. Of course there are banks, but is not a financial city.

      Although I like the CFA program and also the investment, do you think it is worth the effort? I know the CFA is difficult. For this, I am not sure if the effort for do the CFA is enough in a city like mine.

      One good thing about the CFA program is that is valued around the world. So, If sometimes I want to go to a different country, maybe could be an advantage. And also, the are not many CFA’s in Spain, so is a very specialty thing.

      Thank you very much for the comments and also for this web. And sorry for my english.

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      Let’s us know what you’ve decided on then @Pachem!

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      Thank you very much for the coments!!

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      Ola @Pachem, welcome to 300Hours!

      It’s certainly a big question, and it really depends on your career goals and ambition.

      If you’re open to working in a different financial centre (or even in Madrid itself), and are focused on getting a job in finance and investment I think it’s a great qualification to go for. It’ll be an opportunity to improve your English too as CFA is conducted in English.

      Taking the CFA or not depends on your career goals and motivation to succeed, and only you can decide whether it’s right for you or whether it’s “worth it”.

      Here are 2 articles that you may find useful:

    • Dr_Pain28
        • CFA Level 2

        @Pachem Para mi, aprendi bastante durante mis estudios para CFA nivel 1. Estoy en el punto de graduarme de la universidad en finanza y la CFA me enseno mas que mis clases. El curriculo de la CFA es bastante profrundo y hay tanta informaciopn que no podria aprender en un otro lugar. Tambien la CFA esta modernizada cada ano con la informacion que los CFA’s piensan es mas importante y lo que usan en sus propias carerras. En mi propio opinion, las habilidades que aprendera de estos estudios vale la pena de estudiar. Y aun que no haya mucho trabajos en su propio ciudad, seria un beneficio a ser el unico persona con el titulo y despues si quierria mudarse. (Lo siento por la mal gramatica) y su ingles esta bueno tambien.

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