Career Discussions MSc Finance and CFA or just CFA

MSc Finance and CFA or just CFA

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    • Avatar of tcdublintcdublin
        • CFA Level 1


        I have been wondering what decision I should take concerning my next step in life. I lived in Ireland for 1 year and have been in the States for about 5 years now. I have an undergraduate degree (BSc) in Business Management emphasis in Finance and Economics.

        I took the CFA Level 1 exam this June 2015 and I failed. I have been working as a equity research intern in a small firm, but I have learned a lot.

        Where I need advice is: I could go to Trinity College Dublin to get my MSc Finance, while I prepare for the CFA Level 1. Or I could just prepare for the CFA Level 1 again.

        I really want to go to TCD but it is just too expensive, since I didn’t get a scholarship, lets say I would have to take 40K in loans. Why do I want to go to Trinity in the first place? Because I would like to work internationally, hopefully in Ireland, UK, South America or USA. TCD has a great reputation world-wide and I already got in. I am 24 years old and I don’t want to waste time. TCD (I believe) will give me the opportunity to find a good job and will help in networking, interview, job hunting settings.

        So I did the math and I would have to be making around 7K more each year to make the TCD deal profitable. (Lets say I find a job now with BSc and I make 50k, I would be aiming for 57K at least to make this interesting.)

        1)I have no attachments here
        2)I will need to get a loan
        3)I would love to go to TCD
        4)I will get lazy and I wont go to gradschool if I dont go to TCD
        5)I don’t have a job and I can’t the job I want to!

        Thank you,

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