Student Lounge Why such price disparity for chicken breast vs. thighs around the world?

Why such price disparity for chicken breast vs. thighs around the world?

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    • Avatar of Maroon5Maroon5
        • CFA Level 1

        Just a general observation during my travels:

        In the west, chicken breast is generally more expensive than chicken thighs. But things are converse in the Far East.

        My explanation so far is due to supply vs. demand. In the west, people like breast because its boneless, healthy etc. Whereas in the East thighs are priced higher due to taste?!

        Health wise it doesn’t seem to tie up though!

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        I think you managed to stump the world with this @Maroon5. Before I have a go, I’d love to hear what others think, LOL

        This should totally be an interview question…

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        In Asia there are roughly 107 men per 100 women.
        In Europe there are roughly 107 women per 100 men.

        I only looked these numbers up as I wanted to be factually correct when making a crude joke about men liking breasts, but actually it’s the other way round! Maybe it’s the male primitive behaviour of eating meat from the bone, wheras women are more delicate and prefer lean meat?!? And what does that make me if I prefer chicken breast over thigh?!

      • Avatar of hairyfairyhairyfairy
          • Undecided

          Yeah, I was pretty speechless at this one.

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          Maybe it’s the whole ‘white meat’ vs ‘dark meat’ thing. Consumers would generally pay more for white meat in the West, but in the East there’s no such thing – they just go for whichever tastes better?

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          I was gonna go for that @christine. Just using my observation of Asian’s love (and utmost respect) for food, they take pictures of it everywhere! So that supports the theory that they are foodies are tastes are more important.

          On @Maroon5’s point of the East seems ‘healthier’ than the West, I’d argue that it is portion control. Yes its dark meat, its more ‘unhealthy’, but they eat much less of it!

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