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@Zee: I highly recommend this book, it’s hilarious!
Scott Adams’s latest work is not a collection of Dilbert cartoons (though recycled strips are liberally sprinkled throughout); it’s a dialogue between the man and his fans disguised as a tongue-in-cheek guide to surviving the corporate life. There are chapters on “Office Pranks,” “Surviving Meetings,” and “Managing Your Co-Workers,” with enough weird stories and practical jokes to make any middle manager nervous, especially as many of the tricks and tips come from e-mails sent to Adams by his fans (one tip: never let anyone else use your computer).
If these messages are any indication, the creative tide has turned, and now the corporate world is following Dilbert’s lead. In the office blocks of America, life is imitating art imitating life, creating a pleasantly postmodern working environment. The final chapter of The Joy of Work, “Handling Criticism,” includes a response to Norman Solomon’s The Trouble with Dilbert, which accuses Adams of selling out and supporting the corporate hierarchy that he claims to satirize. Adams’s response is thorough and convincing, with just enough nastiness (jokes about Solomon’s hair, for example) to demonstrate that although Dilbert may not have a mouth, he certainly has teeth.