Hi all, maybe you can help me out with this: I recently bought a back-up calculator, having bought the previous one in 2015. Bought of them are BA II Plus calculators, and indeed from the look at least they seem identical. In my “old” calculator, if I type for example 27 / 3 ^ 3 I get 1. In the new one, I get 729, or 9 to the power of 3: in other words, it is as if I had typed (27/3)^3. This is really annoying because it forces me to use parentheses where I would not use them with the older calculator. The issue is not only with exponents: for example, a simple 27 – 1 * 27 gives 702 (26*27) instead of 0! Has anyone ever encountered the same issue? Does this depend on specific settings? If so, does anyone have a clue how to change them? Thanks a lot in advance!