FRM pre-CFA & pre-FRM

pre-CFA & pre-FRM

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated Mar-239:53 am by DD_CAIA L1.
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    • Avatar of DD_CAIA L1DD_CAIA L1
        • CAIA Level 1


        I am 32 and currently unemployed. Have an MSc degree. Searching for a job since last 4 years. Now, I want to switch to Finance and planning to do FRM L 1 in 05.2021 and CFA L 1 08.2021.

        Do I stand a chance, considering my age, to get an entry level position in the industry?

        Looking forward to your answers.

        Thank you.


      • Avatar of cfachriscfachris
          • CFA Level 3

          @daved10 – is there any specific field in finance you want to go for? It is important to understand your motivation here for a career in finance (and which part). Getting a CFA charter is not a golden ticket to jobs, so I’m worried you’re spending extra time and money and not getting what you really want to achieve with this.

          Honestly speaking – and I don’t mean to be a naysayer – the current employment market is not looking great for all, and finance is an extremely competitive field as is. The 4 year unemployment gap can be an easy target to discount your application, and age may be an issue too with graduates flooding the market.

          Switching career and/or job function is never a one-step thing, and usually people achieve one change at a time (i.e. switch job function but different sector, or switch sector but holding the same job function). I wonder whether you would be able to leverage your math/programming background to get into the finance sector to start (but not your ideal job function)?

          Lots of food for thought here, and not enough information.

          Amadea voted up
        • Avatar of jujubeadsjujubeads
            • CFA Level 1

            What were you doing before?

          • Avatar of DD_CAIA L1DD_CAIA L1
              • CAIA Level 1

              I worked in Quality management for a refrigerator company. The manufactured refrigerators must follow the EU energy standards.

              No experience in finance field. I am Physics graduate and have solid Maths and Programming foundation.

            • Avatar of dasymodasymo
                • CFA Level 1

                I have a master’s degree in economic law and am 33 years old. Can I find a job in marketing?
       dash subzero

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