CFA CFA Level 3 What is your average score in mock tests?

What is your average score in mock tests?

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      Just wanted to have an average so we know where we stand? Please post approximate averages as this would help each other better!!!

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      Approx score is 55-60%

    • Avatar of SnippySnippy
        • CFA Level 2

        Quick question, is the Schweser Practice Exam Volume 2 supposed to be tougher than Volume 1? (For L1)

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        about 55% in practice …did 2

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        I voted for the last option because it was undefined which seems like where my score is these days.
        Or at least too low to disclose publicly.

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        I’m generally hitting 60-66.6%. Not enough to be confident, but a good place to be 2.5 weeks out. I have done 3 practice exams now, and will try and provide details of my scores over the weekend. I have 3 more Schweser exams left, 3 mock AM papers, and the actual moring CFA papers for the last 4 years (these are avilable on the CFAI site if you didn’t know).

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        @SidMemon: Way to go!! thats a good score overall..I felt that Book 2 was more difficult may be because I attempted that in exam like format..AM and PM in a day with 2 hr 1 was done in a bit haphazard way

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        @adossa3: I think more or less most of us are around 50-65..

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        I have taken 5 mocks so far, and my last one was Schweser practice exam Bk2, exam 2. I scored an 82% on this one. Most of my last few we’re high 70’s, so I feel this may have been a lighter one. I took one of the 2013 sample sets from CFA institute (60 questions that cost $40 each mini-exam). I found that exam MUCH harder. Particularly in ethics and FRA. It almost felt like they were choosing difficult questions and topics to give exposure to the subjects students did poorly on previously. It was a smaller exam, so each incorrect answer counted for more. I scored a 44/60 = ~73. It was nice to cover those topics, but in the middle of the exam, I was rethinking my use of the Kaplan materials lol 😉 I guess it panned out alright, though.

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        And yes, I feel that bk 2 is the harder book of practice exams ( even though in exam 2 bk 1 AM session, I got a much lower score on ethics than the other Kaplan exams (11/18 vs 13-15/18 with the others)

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        @MattUnderwood: wooohoooo I think u r the 1 person to surely pass given ur average score!! Pls give some tips 😉

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        Did my first mock this weekend. Scored 75% of Schweser Mock 1 – Delighted with the score, but reading how everyone is getting on, i feel like i’ve left it too late.

        Also, i hate derivatives. With a passion. It makes my brain hurt

      • Avatar of SnippySnippy
          • CFA Level 2

          I loved today’s post. But after going through the first practice book not so badly and then doing worse as you move forward just sucks.

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          @sankrutimehta hehe hopefully! There is no “surely” when it comes to this exam. 🙂 I am just going to continue grinding along to get as much exposure as I can.
          My tips include sitting for full-length mock exams as much as possible. I started the mocks with Book1 Exam 3 in Schweser. The first two exams I use for additional exposure to certain topics. (Again, the ethics in exam 2 of book 1 had some great ethics questions in it). Find a local group of people to help stay accountable. It helps to share resources and insight. 🙂

        • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
            • CFA Level 3

            Is the first option supposed to be less than 50% (“<" instead of ">“) ?

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            @Diya & @vincentt: I have put in the category: Less than 50 – First; 50-70 – second; greater than 70 – third. Din’t get it quite clear. Need to brush up my 300HC skills #:-S

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            @MattJuniper: thanks so much!! have u recognised any weak or strong areas yet?

          • Avatar of MarcMarc
              • CFA Charterholder

              I did have a minor freak out on the weekend when I bombed the ethics part of a mock. I usually count on ethics to put me over the top. Just a bad question set. It’s not like I’ve forgotten ethics.

              By the way, is anyone up for getting drunk at the office and making unauthorized trades on client accounts using material non-public information?

            • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                • CFA Level 3

                @SidMenon don’t know bout level 1 as I only managed to complete half of vol 1, but in level 2, the vol 2 seems to be squeezing my brain juice a little more.

              • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                  • CFA Level 2

                  @vincentt I felt like that a bit too, almost like the juice was coming out of my ear because of the over-thinking. Also, it reduced my score and I felt really annoyed because of that.

                • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                    • CFA Level 3

                    @SidMenon how are you fairing for your volume 1?

                  • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                      • CFA Level 2

                      Well, i did the 3 practice exams in vol 1 as 6 sessions of 3 hours each, so the respective scores, percentage wise, were 57.5, 71, 60, 74, 70, 71.

                    • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                        • CFA Level 2

                        Thanks @sankrutimehta but i want to increase those scores, a lot of places I could do better I feel. Well, I am going to do that soon actually. I’ll finish the second half of Exam 1 in Vol 2 on Saturday. Next week, i’ll do the rest of the two exams, each on one day, with a break between the AM & PM sessions.

                      • Avatar of vincenttvincentt
                          • CFA Level 3

                          @SidMenon you are doing very well! I remember I’ve only managed to score around 65-68% in those mocks for level 1.

                        • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                            • CFA Level 2

                            @MattUnderwood I faired exactly the same in Ethics in Book 2.

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                            @Jin23: Welcome to 300HC 😀
                            I read the reviews about the mock and am hesitant to actually try it out for 40$ as I do not intend to break my confidence at this juncture!!

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                            @sankrutimehta yes I am weak at everything!

                            Actually, the bits I have most trouble with at the moment is swaps and forwards, possibly because it’s more technical than most of the syllabus.

                          • Avatar of MarcMarc
                              • CFA Charterholder

                              I just looked up a couple of my scores on mocks from Level 2. It seems that is scored a solid 50% on one just 5 days before the actual exam. It’s a good thing that I had just moved out of my 15th floor apartment a few weeks earlier. But it turned out alright. If you’re scoring 50 – 70, you’re in good shape.

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                              @Marc: M doing a similar thing this weekend to blow off some steam…but just the drunk part :ar!

                            • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                                • CFA Level 2

                                Sigh, started the second book of Schweser and ended up scoring worse than my previous average. So demotivating.

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                                That’s why the post today was about motivation @Sidmenon! Don’t give up, nearly there 🙂

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                                @MattJuniper: hahaa..that happens with everyone at this stage..just keep practising..and we all are here to help if need be!!

                              • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                                  • CFA Level 2

                                  Thanks @vincentt. 🙂 My average actually comes to around 67%.

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                                  how quickly do you manage to complete a full schweser 240 Q practice exam?

                                  From personal experience – and I attribute this to studying in BCom haha – I finish MC exams quite fast (which leaves time to go back), my point being that I don’t take the said minute per question so I finish quite fast

                                  Just curious

                                • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                                    • CFA Level 2

                                    @MattUnderwood I faired exactly the same in Ethics in Book 2.

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                                    @sidmenon the 2nd book is much harder than the first, but with some time going through the responses, your score should get much better 🙂

                                  • Avatar of SnippySnippy
                                      • CFA Level 2

                                      @lulu123 Well, like i said i haven’t done a full 240 Q Schweser Exam yet. I do half a session i.e. 120 Q. So for that, i usually finish the exam with anything between 10-25 mins remaining. It’s been different every time.

                                      And i prefer going through every question carefully the first time and finish it then so that I don’t have to come back to them later, it becomes too much of a hassle to mark all those questions that need to attend again.

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                                      Welcome @cs_1988 – that’s a great start. But yes, I think most of us feel that way about derivs 😉

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                                      Haven’t touched the Vol 2 of Schweser Practice exams, but I’ve noticed that they are getting progressively harder even within Vol 1. Surprisingly, most people score higher with each one of them, but if you look at the depth and complexity of the questions there is no doubt that Exam 3 is much harder than Exam 1. I scored 73%, 71%, and 75% respectively.

                                      Just took CFAI mock today and scored 71%. It was ridiculously hard, with a lot of multi-step calculations and curve balls. I really hope the actual exam will be easier. Does anyone have any thoughts on the CFAI mock? I completely bummed the afternoon FRA section with 48%.

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                                      Hello @Jin23, good to see you around. Your trend seems to be fine, so keep it up. Give yourself some time to revise FRA again, it’s a huge important section as you know. I’d say CFAI mock would tend to best reflect the exams – you got 71% anyway, that’s a good start.

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