CFA CFA Level 3 Calling all 2015 L3 candidates

Calling all 2015 L3 candidates

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    • Avatar of mattycmattyc
        • CFA Charterholder

        Hello all! Just curious as to who has started preparing or when you plan to begin hitting the books. Im in the middle of a job change so Im waiting to order my Schweser package until my new start date so I can expense everything. Personally I’d like to set my schedule and start my initial review in December.

        For the first two Levels I was paying for everything out of pocket so I only used what I thought was necessary. Schweser books & Qbank for LI, Schweser books, Qbank and Secret Sauce for L2. Now that I will presumably be able to take classes or order videos at no personal cost, does anyone have any suggestions for other supplemental resources that they found helpful?

        2015 is right around the corner, and there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

      • Avatar of WesMantoothWesMantooth
          • CFA Charterholder

          I just cracked the books on level 3 for June 2015. For the first two levels I used the  Schweser package with notes, videos, qbank, secret sauce and practice tests. For level two I didnt’ find the qbank or the video lectures very useful- maybe I just didn’t have time to look at them. For L3 i’m using a basic package with just the notes and practice exams but I signed up for a 3 hour in class session once a week from Jan-Apr with an inclass practice exam at the end of it.
          I’m thinking of buying the Schweser secret sauce separately because I really found it effective for reviewing topics on my bus ride to/from work!
          Best of luck!

        • Up

          I’m giving it a go next year.

          Your situation reminds me of my own L2. I got the ‘deluxe’ Schweser suite of stuff but really ended up finding the basic stuff useful. I tried the lecture videos but it didn’t really agree with me.

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